Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Have any of you found it frustrating placing a small plastic onto a jig head only to have the bait split due to the large collar designed to hold plastics onto the shaft? I can only find jig heads like Northland produces in stores and would love to find a better collar with small plastics in mind. Maybe a smaller diameter or just a small barb off the shaft to hold it on. Anyone know af a product that fits the bill?

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I use small plastic grubs a lot, I have to super glue them to the jig head, to keep them from slipping off on the first gill.
After I glue them on, I'll get 5 or 10 fish sometimes before I have to replace the grub.
I use 1/80th and 1/100th jigs most of the time.
where do you find 1/100 or 1/80 jig heads!?
Hey Ryan, I have found that the only 2 options that could be done in your case is if you can find the smaller jigheads that are packaged with the Renosy Keystone Minnow that have no barb at all, or use a pair of needle-nosed pliers to mash the barb down and then file down what is left on the jigheads. Then use a drop of Super Glue to keep the plastic bait from slipping down or off the hook. There may be a member of this fine web site that either pours his own jig heads or knows somebody that does. Did you check either Bass Pro Shops catalog or Cabelas out? I know that both of these spots sell jig heads of all shapes and sizes. Nick.
Hey fellas, Didn't mean to sound reduntant to Ryan's post about the jig heads. Guess we all have the same idea. Nick.
Thanks guys. Good stuff. I will refocus to the fly shops to see what I can find there.
I've got a guy making me 1000 1/80th ounce jigs on #8 hooks, if you are interested in some let me know, they will have no barb, round raw heads, I'm getting them unpainted so I can paint them myself, I like to have a few colors on hand.
I think they are going to run me about 12 cents each.
I super glue some of my small grubs on my hooks, seems to work pretty well for me, you ever try that ?
Thank you for the offer, but right now I am having pretty good luck with TC Tackle's jig heads. They are only round in shape but they are shorter shanks with 1/16th oz and 1/8th oz weights. The wind is blowing all the time in my neighborhood and I can use the weight. Plus in my state, two hooks are allowed per line so I tie a fly about 12 inches above and basically make a drop shot with the lower bait being a possibility as well. Thank you again for the offer though.
not a problem, I carry jig heads from 1/250th of an ounce all the way to 1/4 of an ounce, ever need anything holler, I have lots of weird sizes and shapes :)
I use some 1/8 and 1/16th some, but usually only in the summer when the gills go deep.
What size hooks are on those? I prefer around and 8, 10 or 12 but anything in the range would work great. I thought you only had the teeny tiny sizes. 1/32 and 1/16 are my favorite but as I stated previously, 1/8 and 1/4 come in handy when it is windy. And in Easter Iowa, it is always a little windy.
check out Ebay. For collarless jigs. I order jigs anywhere down to 1/100th ounce

Ive even super glued a small wire barb on the teensy jigs, right behind the head. Just kink a few bits of copper wire and attach them to the hook shank. Its minute, tedious work about like tying fly's.

I get one 1/100th, down to 1/32 jigs on ebay, mysefl.

I've been having some fun with these lindy jigs on trout this winter, anybody ever use these on bluegill ?

oh the little orange jig in the middle is a 1/100 on a #12 hook



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John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
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"Some nice Gills and Perch and a Bullhead through the ice for the three of us. My total was 13 with…"
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"Oh, good! Don't want loser anyone."
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"We have 5-6" of ice, Bruce! The 3" is the snow we got last night."
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