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Marvin Morgan's Comments

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At 6:29am on July 29, 2020, John Sheehan said…

My Pleasure Marvin .I have learned a lot in the past 11 years since I've been on this site .Some very knowledgeable and experienced Fishermen here have passed on great information .I looked forward to your posts describing your successes !

At 8:57am on June 14, 2020, Larry Langfitt said…

Hey Marvin I recently found the mini trout magnet kit at Wal-Mart, along with the regular size trout magnet these jigs are made by Leland tackle. I have tried them out a little and the hay been very productive on Smallies out at the reservoir here in western South Dakota. I'm hoping to try them on crappie at Lake Sheridan this coming weekend. The last time I heard from you, you were looking for some pre-tied jigs  1/80 well the minis are 1/200 and the regulars are 1/64. I hope this will be of some help. t also online  The kits are 12.96 at Wal-Martt also online  at Leland

At 8:10pm on January 24, 2017, Larry Langfitt said…

9 miles due north of Spearfish and 11 miles from Wy. state line

At 5:48pm on March 11, 2016, Jeffrey D. Abney said…

Thanks for the friend request.......let's talk fishing !

At 4:13pm on February 19, 2016, dick tabbert said…

Thank you Marvin I would be honored to be a friend on your friends list. Any time I can help please jump in and ask away. If I don't know the answer we'll find it out some how some where or if you just want to talk feel free I love to talk especially fishing.

At 5:48pm on September 16, 2015, carl hendrix said…

Marvin;Keith Ritter;; lives real close to Reelfoot lake;; I am about a good 3 hour drive from it. i live just outside of Nashville Tn.  Old Hickory Lake;; is about  2 miles from me !!  I really hate that !!  hahahahahaha   I have at least;; 4 different places to put a boat in at;; in a 10 mile radius.  my one and only real favorite fish is-- blue gills!! red ears ! sunnies !  crappie another great favorite; then come sauger;; wall eye; stripe.  not a green carp fisherman at all ! ( thats a bass!! )   

At 5:23pm on September 16, 2015, carl hendrix said…

Marvin;; I was going to this week end;; then saw where bass pro;; is having their fall fishing event;; sept 26  thru the 28 i believe.  any way;; thats when im going to get it.    cant pass up a good chance;; of  messing with the ( pro ) guys !!  hahahahahahaha    I;ll be taking a few of Dick Tabberts;; gilly worms;; jelly jigs;; several other things;; just to mess with them !!

At 4:53pm on September 9, 2015, dick tabbert said…

Your welcome Marvin need any help just hollar that's what were here for.

At 4:50pm on September 9, 2015, carl hendrix said…

Marvin;; i agree;; the price is a little steep;; but also look at it another way;; it will be the last unit you will ever need!  kind of like buying a old clunker car;; then wishing it was a cadillac !!  my suggestion is;; get a good unit;; and;; as for not being a computer genius;;  dont worry;;; we have-- LEO !!!  Leo;; has forgotten more than most people know about computers!!  ( my personel oppinion is;; Leo;; was asimalated ; by a nasa computer bank;; which would make Leo;; a cyborg of sorts !!  He has a computer chip;; for a brain !!  a real terrific guy !!  Leo has many post here;; to help guys with computers and depth finders ;; if its a gadget;; Leo knows about it!  

At 8:05am on September 9, 2015, carl hendrix said…

Marvin;; Lowrance is having a type of sale right now;; till Nov. !st  Depending on which unit you get;; you can get a chip for it;; free ! ( saving 100.00 dollars)  that way you can download ;; or make your own maps and things.  in just a few days I am going to get the elite 5 unite;; for around 500 dollars. ( wish it was cheaper).  but a good unit;; will last a long- long time.  colored screens;; are a LOT better than a grey scale 

At 7:19am on September 9, 2015, dick tabbert said…

Marvin on fish finders they come in all shapes and sizes. I purchased a Lowrence with all the bells and whistles this spring for 199.00. It will do anything you need it to do. The downside is the screen isn't a  large one but it does many things that my older unit won't. Its a good unit to start with and more. I'm surprised you never had a fish finder before its a mainstay to todays fishing. Remember it may show you fish but won't tell you if the fish are feeding or not and you will learn that with time. HYope this helps and don't be afraid to ask questions. The Lowrence I was talking about is posted on the FISHING ELECTRONICS group.

At 8:35pm on September 8, 2015, dick tabbert said…


Welcome Marvin this electronic group . This group is for the person who wants just that little bit more out of there electronics or just has questions. A group of fisherman who know there electronics and those that want to learn.  

At 7:44pm on April 11, 2015, Sam Holt said…

Thanks Marvin!

i appreciate that! look forward to sharing a lot of interesting ideas and conversations on this site!!

At 8:01pm on April 10, 2015, dick tabbert said…

Welcome Marvin to Big Bluegill. I am also a member of Big Bluegill wanting to welcome you and to share some of what goes on here at the site. This is a site with loads of information where we can learn and enjoy in what we like doing best, fishing. In this site we have loads of information we can feed off of and share and learn and having a good time doing so. We have FORUMS, BLOGS, CHAT ROOM, SPECIAL GROUPS, VIDEO'S, and the best PHOTO'S you can find anywhere on the internet. Feel free to jump in and investigate the site it is loaded with information and above all don't be afraid to participate we are all still in the learning process and improving and honing our skills making us better fishermen/fisherwoman and enjoying it all throughout the process.

What you personally may add my be that little extra something that we can put in our own little bag of tricks something we can use to make us better fisher people ourselves.

We are all about Bluegill, Big Bluegills ( Bluegills, Sunfishes, Red Ears, Brim family) but not to stop there you will read about many different species of fish even some you may not have known even existed in the Bluegill world and forums with many picture to share, but our main goal is catching that ultimate giant Gill so we can meet that special goal and maybe some bragging rights along the way. Its just a good well rounded site with loads of information with good people a family atmosphere who don't mind sharing, we have loads of fun doing so which you will see.

Our Video section that will keep your blood pumping and make you want to be fishing on that special lake or river fishing your heart out. (TAKE A KID AND DADS FISHING) such a great high. Above all we want you to enjoy yourself don't be afraid to share some of your fishing experiences with us we would love to hear about them please don't be afraid to share your exact lakes with me with all GPS coordinates and the exact baits you used it will be our little secret.

We have the best Photo's on the web some being so good you will be in aw and they are so addictive you'll keep coming back for more, there is truly some beautiful stuff there posted for our BBG family. We all love to share and share we do with some breath taking photo's. It will take you hours to see then all and you'll enjoy every minute of it..

Be aware of our Chat Room which in my opinion is very under utilized but you must be log in to correspond on it. So by all means log in and use It you will meet some interesting and great people there. Enjoy have fun but above all always stay safe. GOOD FISHIN..


At 7:24pm on April 10, 2015, Sam Holt said…

Hey Marvin!

Welcome aboard, I just joined a few days ago!  great site and good information and great bunch of guys with lots of great information!!

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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Understand……hope you get out soon Bruce!"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"I think it won't be until near the end of April until the water warms enough to start the…"
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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks Dick…this was our best trip for shallow crappie this year……I love…"
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Bruce Tomaselli commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks John….still keep having cold fronts and clippers but the fish here are so ready to…"
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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Beauties with Tuxedos! Good work, Jeffrey!"
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"Son-in-law and I splashed this morning behind a mild cold front, 47 degrees and shifting winds ….surface temps from 56.7 to 58.1 degrees…."
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"I dressed better the 2nd outing, Jeff! LOL Was more comfortable."
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1st bassxrap

"Way to endure the cold water John…"
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