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I'm thinking 19-22 " is the range I want to keep Picks for food when I decide to. I only catch a few over 22 and have only surpassed 25"once. A 27,1/4",4#12 oz. in Sept 2016. With the ice fishing season upon me I want to eat another ice pickerel ,haven't done it in awhile.As I recall there are 5 fillets .The top boneless fillet,two side bony fillets and two tail to top fin boneless fillets. I have made fish cakes out of the bony sides and pan fried the three other fillets .Any recipes out there?
Fish through the ice taste great and the flesh is firmer than other times of the year.
How do you cook those Pike Howard,? Any suggestions on filleting them and getting the floating bones out.? I saw something about grabbing the fish skin side up instead of down to make it easier to rid the meat of floating ribs and cage . Ever see that ?
Great thanks for the ideas David!
I generally take 5 or so minutes time to pull out floating bones with a pliers .I've found if you pull straight, no flesh comes with it ,but if you pull wrong a little bit of meat will be attached to the bone .
We fished Deep Creek Lake last week and ran into a number of pickerel there and at other western Maryland Lakes as well, landing a dozen or so pickerel. Several were in that 20-inch range that would allow for the 5-piece fillet method with a backstrap, two flanks (minus 'Y' bones) and two long, triangular fillets from the sides from the dorsal fin to the tail. I struggled with the first couple, but got better and a properly filleted pickerel, or pike, should look something like the fish below, with 5 boneless fillets...
The secret to getting boneless fillets on the flanks (where the Y bones are) is to make starter cuts 1/4 inch deep just outside the ridge tips of the Y-bone edges where the back strap fillet was removed. It takes a little/lot of practice, but clean, white boneless fillets are possible with this method. All fillets are then skinned and I 'feel' with my fingers for any bones before they get cooked, cutting out stubborn bones with a knife. The photo above has 5 boneless fillets ready to go.
Thanks for this post Jim! Nice work on the Picks ,spinners huh !
jealous now !! look at all of those really nice fillets !! plus;; yo uguys living in the northern states;; have perch; pickeral; a lot of other fish; southern states dont have !!
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