Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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i love a particular brand of plastic tail that might be good for one to three panfish before they almost become useless or need constant adjusting. use some gel glue lightly placed on the jig head lead for the plastic body to attach. the results are amazing. the life of that plastic has just been increased exponentially!

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Gotta try this  I use the regular Gorrilla glue .Setting the hook in current will be the big test.I had trouble with the small drop of glue adhering to a nickel Aberdeen hook shank .Maybe I did nt use enough glue .

John ... i use the ball jigs with shoulders and a barb on this system... if i was using jig heads without shoulders i would have the glue on the shank as well as the back of the ball and tip of the jig body to strengthen the bond.

i really like the glue container.. it keeps glue volatile and doesnt lock up like the little common tin tubes most super glue comes in. ive been out in the boat a few times with locked up tubes.

as you can see the bottle is now very worn going on its second season and is half full with good glue still and no lockups.

this little bottle saved me a bunch of money on jig bodies.

John if you happen to use to much super glue your plastic will get hard and brittle and break off anyway. This is a place where little is better.

yep .. i agree... plus it sets up quicker

i was really surprised with the glue also working in slightly damp conditions.

I don't use super glue but considered it over Gorilla glue .Thanks Dick . Ken I'm trying to stay away from using weight near the bait on this shallow river condition's rig.

nice rig John!... the gorilla super glue gel is basically the same chemical composition as other super glues but in a gel form and in a great container suitable for tackle and tackle boxes... i see it adding non distinct weight to  your overall rig.

John have you considered using braid on a setup like this? it floats and is more rugged in those abrasive conditions.

I have such a surplus of Mono that I haven't used braid yet . Your suggestion is well taken and perhaps I should use it . 

and of course... im not taking credit for gluing jig bodies to jigs... ive heard about this and used in the eighties. Just sharing a great product idea (Gorilla Glue Gel and reliable product pkg) that works reliably under fishing conditions out in the field. its a great tip that i see very rarely used (super glue on jig bodies)... why not? i hate going thru a bag of 4 dollar jig bodies in an outing on a hot bite.

great for using in complete darkness feeling confident that your jig body is in place while fishing.


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