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Landed 6 legal largemouth bass yesterday on Lake Raystown. The biggest, I'm holding, is 19" caught on a jigging rod. We were usingGum B

all jigs and Swedish Pimples attached to shiners and minnows. I was using 4lb. test tippet. The action wasn't furious, but it was enough to keep us happy all day.

Views: 182

Replies to This Discussion! That's an excellent catch any time of the year! Congrats!

Great catch and report Bruce ! Thataway man!! Do you set the hook right away or "bow to the fish" and count a few numbers before setting?

I waited until I could see they were clearly taking line and then I set the hook. It was by far my best large fish day ever for me on ice, but we never caught a pan fish. We really enjoy running into gills, crappie and perch, but I guess the largemouth had them scared away from the area. We'd rather fillet pan fish, but we couldn't pass these up. We caught a lot under size, but again, no pan fish.

Absolutely, I have success giving slack and watching  the line move off and load the rod tip ,at which point I set .

 I'm curious how deep these fish were and if it was a basin area....?

Hi John. We were fishing an inlet around some down trees. The water varied from around 6 to 15 feet. I'm thinking those bass were in and around those trees because that's where the bait fish were seeking cover from predators. I guess that could be called a basin area, am I right?

Well ,the basin is the deepest area nearby as I see it . Saw some guys ice fishing in my local lake in what is a basin .It's about 20-25 feet for the most part there with a small 30' hole I believe. Most of the previous water leading up from the North end of the lake has 6-15 ' and then drops off at this  spot about 50 yards from the dam and spillway . I should get over there soon and see what I can discover but it's gonna rain tomorrow supposedly .

Hey guys...I've always set the hook at the slightest indication of a strike. I use guitar strings that I make for my 'spring bobber', or, wire indicator that I wrap and epoxy at the tip of the jigging rod.

Lots of my 'strikes' last ice season were actually 'up bites' where a bass would hit the KastMaster and take tension off of the line and the wire would lift up, indicating a fish was on. Many strikes, even from bigger bass, were quite soft and slight.

Thanks for your input Jim .I've missed my share of fish in my time and each take isn't the same .Depends on the day and things change according to the fishes demands. I don't use strike indicators on two of my rods ,but I sure catch more fish using them or spring bobbers on the other rods . If its a big shiner or minnow I generally let them take some line and don't strike right away but if its a smaller package I'll set sooner . I like the resourcefulness of your guitar string indicator!  

PS. I know my hat looks goofy, but it's warm and stops the wind. Ha!

I enjoy funny hats on the ice Bruce!

I love it! Nice job!



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"Good to hear, Dick!"
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"I've been laid back too long. I've got to get some stuff ready for this season.…"
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" Great work as usual, Dick!"
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tracy willis commented on Joe's photo


"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Now that's an eater. Gourgious "
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Nice bass Joe"
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"To be honest Mr Jeff took them and cropped them for me so I can repost them the right way 😂…"
Feb 23
John Sheehan commented on Joe's photo


"Fine looking Fish you're posting! Glad you found the rotate photo feature. Three steps.…"
Feb 23
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"Looks like a Chessie cat!"
Feb 22
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Just thought I would try that color jig since it was already on the line 😆"
Feb 22
Joe posted photos
Feb 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"Pretty…jig inhaled….where did you learn about that color….🤔"
Feb 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"This is a nice crappie…..I’m very ready for winter to be in the rear…"
Feb 22
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Thank you Mr John. I have technical difficulties with computers. Mr Jeff is currently working on…"
Feb 22
John Sheehan commented on Joe's photo


"Great looking Crappie!"
Feb 21
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Feb 21

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