Here at, we see a large number of very impressive pictures. The digital camera age has blessed us with high megapixel technology, capable of delivering vivid, crystal clear imagery thru high picture resolutions.
More than 75% of internet users today use a screen resolution setting of 1024x768.
In order to properly display high resolution pics in these forums, you may need to resize your image prior to upload. Most digital camera software comes with some type of photo editing tool that will allow you to resize the image to the proper pixel width.
Here are the maximum pixel width values for the different forums here.
Group forum.....maximum pixel width is 456
Discussion forum.....maximum pixel width is 644
Because these forums have a limited pixel width, and an almost unlimited pixel height, any photo exceeding the maximum width will stretch the photo, sometimes beyond uploaded to your photo section are automatically configured and are not subject to photo stretching.
Here is an example of photo stretching.