Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Jim's discussion on ranking your favorite fish to target and catch made me look back at some of my catches in years past. This is my second biggest channel cat, I caught it a couple years ago.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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Comment by Adam Rink on October 18, 2013 at 7:13am

Thanks everyone, and yes John, I was fishing from a couple hours before dusk. This fish was caught about an hour after sunset and was the big fish of the day. It was caught out of a little farm pond, less than acre. And congrats on your cat Jim, I haven't come close to cracking the 30" mark in a couple years; this was my last really good one and I caught it in 2011. They sure do put up a good fight when they get big.

Comment by Jim Gronaw on October 17, 2013 at 3:36pm

That's a great fish there, Adam! Far heavier per length than the 30 incher I got yesterday.Mine might have gone ten, but still a powerhouse of a fish!


Comment by John Sheehan on October 17, 2013 at 10:43am

HA HA ! Leo ,you're a trip! Adam again ,Great fish !

Comment by Leo Nguyen on October 17, 2013 at 10:28am

Wowzer! I had my luck with a massive catfish that dragged me around the lake while targeting bluegills at their habitats. However, line was broken after a wee while from the dragging at 4lbs test, which was roughly around your time (11:20AM or so). That was just a few rare time.

Now, wife is forcing me to drag her to the local rivers and hunt massive flatheads to shake of the bad taste of a little bullheads she caught earlier. Can't please her at all..and she got the freaking mad skill for fishing.

Comment by John Sheehan on October 17, 2013 at 10:16am

Leo ,Sunglasses maybe Adam  stuck it out since Light of day ! My biggest Channel Cat came @11:00 am oddly enough .It was a 12# 30 " fish caught on a tiny worm on a #4 hook . I wasn't targeting it I was Bass fishing and getting skunked and an unannounced stocking of Trout just occurred .The Trout were jumping and I believe they were "Knocking" for Catfish .That Cat I caught came in from the channel or hole to investigate as I see it . This was my first Channel Cat . Caught it in the 1980's in Pompton Lake NJ .


Comment by John Sheehan on October 17, 2013 at 10:10am

SUPER Fish! Nice work Adam!

Comment by Leo Nguyen on October 17, 2013 at 9:22am

Great looking kitty! Big kitties tend to be more abundant at night time. I have yet to land a kitty larger than 5lbs in broad daylight unless my luck was loaded.

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