I receently have started fishing a little 3 acre pond, loaded with big crappie, bass abd gills, I am really interested in getting the monster gills, so, does anyone have a good suggestion on a lure(s) to use, I like nightcrawlers, but lure fishin would be a blast I would think.
Get a few microspoons (www.microspoons.com) and tip with a waxworm or 1" section of redworm. Let it flutter down near cover and hold on -almost surefire, from my experiences this spring!
my favorite lure for a mixed bag is a 1/32 ounce renosky minnow. just cast it out and reel very slow and add a couple of twitches. on my last outing i caught a shellcracker that weighed almost a pound. Good luck!!
Have in the past used the smallest size Rapala's to target the bigger bluegills. Due to influences here, have tried the littler spoons available with some success. The spoons have the advantage of casting better. steve b