Do you love big bluegill?
Does anyone here like to target the GREEN sunfish ? I have several places I fish where there are lots of these guys. They do get big and always put up a good scrap. My favorite fishing hole for these beast is a private lake in Woodruff SC. I go there about three times a year and the fishing is always good. I catch a lot of them in the river that runs through Columbia, SC too. I like to fish this river because it has Trout, Stripped Bass, Green Sunfish, Small mouth Bass and White Bass. There is also a few LM Bass, Crappie, Bluegill and Long-nose Gar. (A real "mixed-bag"). Just wondered
have many of you folks liked the "Greens" as much as I do................Don in SC
Don I fish for all pan fish and that is definitely a green sunfish. I have a few hybrid bluegills which is a cross between a green sunfish and a bluegill. They are fun to catch and can do some serious pulling especially on the 2wt.
The small creeks I fish here in middle TN have a mixed bag of Green sunfish, pumpkin seeds, warmouth, Bluegill, and RockBass. I fish them all but I use small dad patterns on the Rockbass. I just consider them all BG except the RockBass. There are also a few smallmouth and even fewer largemouth. I also catch a small chub and have seen a couple of some sort of sucker but I have yet to hook one of the suckers. I have seen no catfish or carp in the last several years.
i would love to, but theyre not really common up here. the few i have caught always put up a good fight.
I have a few places where I can catch Green Sunnies. Two of those places yield them on the small side. The other one, not that far from my job, yields Green Sunnies about the same size as you're holding. There's LOTS of them, as well. I've targeted them with my 5wt and various flies, as well as an UL Spinning rig with small in-line spinners.
I have access to a farm pond here in IL that only has bluegill, green sunfish and largemouth bass. The fishing in this pond is so good that I only use my fly rods there. The green sunfish average the size of the ones in your pictures but my largest to date makes yours only about 3/4 the size of it. Okay, I'm bragging just a bit, but I was fishing for the largies at the time with an 8 wt. with a deer hair frog that I tied on a 2/0 hook (instructions on one of the fly tying groups on here). The body of the "frog" barely fit in it's mouth, don't know how he got the bend of the hook in there...
Greens are fun to catch, and very willing to bite! As the climate up here in Southern Ontario warms up, they're getting far more common. I know a city pond stalked with Koi where I've caught Greens up to 11" and over pound, they must be gorging on the commercial Koi pellets!
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