Does anyone have information on a hybrid called Arkansas super-blues? My brother and I bought some from a fish truck and put them in a one acre pond on his farm. They were about 4 inches long and grew to 10 1/2 inches in two years! We had not seen anything like these in Kentucky. They would attack any live or artificial bait. They had a mouth larger than a bluegill, and I think a red dot on their gill plate like a redear. He sold his farm and I nolonger have access to it. I was just wondering if anyone else have these in their pond and how big do they get.
The best I can remember they were all bright colored like males. They reminded me of a giant green sunfish, but they had a rough mouth like small teeth you would find on a 5 lb. bass. These fish were overly agressive and I,m thinking maybe they are some type of hybrid sunfish.