Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Jigging a curly-tail grub- You never know!

I had a surprise this week at 4 Mile Run in northern Virginia! My most common bait is a curly tail grub under a bobber. Pretty good with bluegill and crappie, plus occasional yellow perch and bass.

But two nights ago I was working it just off the bank, and it seemed to snag up. Next thing I know, I'm hauling in a two-foot channel cat. The weight of the fish straightened the hook as I was trying to get him out of the water, and he got away.

It's such a cheap, simple rig, and I seem to have at least a shot at everything! My next hope is to get a snakehead.

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Comment by Leo Nguyen on June 19, 2014 at 4:09pm

Curly tails are great for a variety of things. Noise, vibration, and scent will make them go for the kill. Snakeheads, ooo..need quite  bit of noise to aggravate those thing, straight in the school for the most effective instant-strike. Allen got the choice lures down.

Comment by Allen Morgan on June 13, 2014 at 6:37pm

I hear the best way to target snakeheads, is to use Bass buzzbaits, Pop-R's, etc., and target the ball of red snakehead fry.  Momma and Poppa are close by, and highly defensive.

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