Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Got two minutes? Recylced Fish could use them!

How the heck do you recycle a fish???  Catch a monster 11'' bluegill, take a picture, and let that beast go for another angler to catch it again and enjoy that experience!

Recycled Fish ( ) is the national non-profit organization of "anglers living a Lifestyle of Stewardship both on and off the water, because Our Lifestyle Runs Downstream."

But it's not about just catch and release, it's selective harvest, lead free tackle when you can, barbless hooks, recycling trash that can be recycled, picking up trash while out fishing, and so much more!

Down at the Bassmaster Classic, we launched the 1 Million Stewards program.  We've created Stewardship Kits that are a shoreline cleanup bag and a booklet that engage and empower anglers to be stewards of their waters both when we are fishing and through everyday living.  Soon, anyone who buys one of these kits, will be entered into drawings for some cool prizes too!

And that's where your two minutes comes in, Recycled Fish is in position for a grant via the Boat U.S. foundation, and who receives this grant is decided by you!  All you have to do, is follow this link and vote for Recycled Fish.

If you really want to help, share the link with everyone you know, facebook, twitter etc... that'd be HUGE.

It really takes less than a minute, but that minute could be HUGE for Recycled Fish, it would help fund the next couple of thousand kits, that's thousands of reusable trash bags in the hands of anglers while out on the water.  We are talking TONS of trash removed from out aquatic resources. 

If Recycled Fish ends up receiving this grant, I'll get ten of the Stewardship Kits into Bruce's hands to distribute to Big Bluegill members as he see's fit, maybe to someone who posts a picture of a beast bluegill being release???

To all those who took the time to vote, I thank you Recycled Fish thanks you, and the fish thank you!


Views: 180


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Comment by Greg McWilliams on March 9, 2012 at 5:26am

Hope I found this in time I SECOND THIS MOTION, and VOTE YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on March 3, 2012 at 12:04am

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Im all for this. I see a lot of trash left behind by others; it is disheartening. I usually clean up the mess when I find it, and have often gone back for it. Anything that encourages people to be less trashy is a good thing.

I'm also all about selective harvesting. I'm maybe an anachronism, in that I don't promote total catch and release programs - I want to bring some fish with me, at my discretion. I see that as both a right, and a privilege which I've paid for.  

At the same time, we musn't be greedy and it is best for the fish if we harbor and leave to breed the bigger ones. I've raised poultry in the past and I see this as little different - you promote and breed the best, for your own future benefit.

I wonder if someday we wont reach a "hands-off" attitude, one that says we really mustn't be catching our fish. It happens in other areas of resource management, .i.e., where The People themselves are locked off from their own birth right, under the auspices of protecting Nature. I hope this notion never gets started in fishing.


Thanks, Alex.

Comment by Bruce Condello on March 2, 2012 at 10:14pm

I'm voting now!!!!!  Great cause!!!!

Comment by Alex G. on March 2, 2012 at 7:11pm

Leo, I have no doubt!  My dogs are always looking for scraps after cleaning some 8" gills.

Comment by Leo Nguyen on March 2, 2012 at 6:35pm

Ditto. I recycle my fish by using everything that the fish offered. Entrails go into ground as fertilizers. Although, the dogs seem to be digging the entrails up for their own enjoyment. My backyard looks like craters on the moon. Bones go into the mix compost piles as calcium enrichment.

Comment by Bill "Musky" Modica on March 2, 2012 at 6:00pm

I voted! :)

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