Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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 We went to check out a small state lake someone told my wife about yesterday. Pulling up that morning it looked really good, ya know....... FISHY! 

So I make my kazillion trips back and forth setting up Ma's sunshade, table, and all the other sissy things she insists on. 

Finally I'm done and grab my fly rod to head off exploring when a loud scream SNAKE stops me. I turn around and walk back to see Ma hopping around and pointing at the waters edge.... Hmmmmmm, a water snake. OK, poke him with my rod tip to make him move on.

Whew! that was close. Off I go again and make it almost 50 yards when another scream stops me. I walk back to see Ma's rod all bent over and her explaining she was snagged on a rock that was moving. Uhhuh, I says, well, pull harder woman. 

About that time her 'snag' moves and surfaces to reveal about a 25 lb. Snapping Turtle snagged in the butt! I dissolve laughing when the hook straightened out and the turtle vanishes only to surface 10 yd. away looking straight at my wife. 

I told her it was plotting to come up and eat her face off, then turned and walked off giggling to myself. 

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Comment by Allen Morgan on June 2, 2014 at 11:41am

Snapping always seem to "motivate" people!

When I was a kid, me and my buddies decided to follow the neighborhood creek as far upstream as we could go.  We got about a mile away, where we found a concrete culvert that channeled the creek under a gravel road.  We stopped, took off our shoes, and dangled our feet in the rushing water.  Talk about refreshing!

About 30 seconds later, I see this BIG green head poking out of the water just 2' from my feet.  Needless to say, we were all hopping up and putting our shoes on quickly.....

Comment by jim cosgrove on June 2, 2014 at 9:22am

good story.had a buddy new to fishing.real big strong guy.told to cast toward shore.were in a tiny jonboat.he gets a hit i tell emm pull hard,he does and pulls in 20 lb snapper.all chaos breaks out as him and the turtle are flipping out.didn't capsize but half filled the boat before i got that turtle back in the water

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