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Comment by Johnny wilkins on September 9, 2014 at 11:23am

Ok- adding distance cuts down on catching fish. So once the sling shot is introduced, your grubs will go all over. The fish will then go over.

The simplest way to put it is that when I did catch fish- it was close in. Carl is posting photos right now (Thank you Carl!). There was a lot of wind but I had 3.5 foot of water in front of me within pole tip reach. The best way to fish - no matter the situation is close in. Total control. Greatest accuracy. I didn't do anything special other than deliver two half dollar-sized balls of chum to where my float was. With current- the float was at the end of my rod tip - when I really got going, I wasn't even casting!!!! I was just dipping. The most accurate and controlled fishing is within pole distance or rod tip distance.

Anyone could have chummed like I did. Besides the two balls of chum (very little for a reason). I also was sprinkling about 5 - 10 grubs over the float - spikes sink slowly in the water column. I used about 100 spikes in my outing and the two tiny balls of chum to draw up the fish (see Carl's pictures). Easy - Peasy cheap and fun anyone can do it.

Sadly, we ran out of daylight but had plenty of bait and chum left. At least I was able to prove out what was in my head and test it against the stumps. Fish were there. Fish condos!! My method was to set up a street fair outside their condos with elephant ears and meat on a stick (er chum and spikes for meat). Get some fish flash'n going, get some splashing and sounds going and soon the whole neighborhood down there is on alert and going from dull to dining and eventually - dinner in some cases.

Last point- where the chum is, keep the rig still. Bait moving- hook still. This is a key when their mood is down or they are slow. The cats I was catching were 12" off the bottom.

Conditions aren't always ideal and seldom am I in a spot where I can hand-pitch grubs. When possible- that is my choice. When I have to go a distance or send them into the wind - I do use a small catapult which is perfect for 5 - 10 grubs.Launcher can be found at the live bait site and it is specifically for shooting pellets or sinking grubs over my float. Shooting pellets over the float is my #1 killer pond trout attack. Definitely with chum- where you put it - the fish will be. Mark your chum spot so you don't lose it- use anchors if you are a boat to stay on the hot spot. 

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on September 9, 2014 at 10:18am
I've never wanted to try and chum a swim so far off that I need a catapult.
But, it does seem kinda fun, don't it
And slowly drifting into a chummed swim might be useful...
Comment by Leo Nguyen on September 9, 2014 at 8:27am

Sling shots are used in secrecy here to fire off crickets. Although, I do use it to shoot off the snakes that were about 30ft from my float tube. Switched to rod's barrage as it approaches within 10ft.

Comment by Slip Sinker on September 9, 2014 at 6:14am

sling shot are used big time in Europe for carp fishing

Comment by carl hendrix on September 9, 2014 at 6:13am

hey david;; ask johnny about them!!!  he has a few!!

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on September 9, 2014 at 6:08am
I think they call them ground bait 'catapults'
Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on September 9, 2014 at 6:07am
I've seen the chum slings used.
Never tried one myself - sure would like to.
Comment by carl hendrix on September 9, 2014 at 5:11am

I never heard of using a slingshot  for fishing  till we were at the rendevou.  johnny;; came prepared!!

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on September 9, 2014 at 2:34am
Comment by Johnny wilkins on September 8, 2014 at 9:36pm

No- not home grown - no way ick !! Tried that. If you have smelled a bucket in the making - you would ship them in. Very easy to make your own - harder to get large ones like this. There are different aged spikes in there so yes - some are turning to caster. At times- fish love that light brown caster on a light hook!!

I also make this bait the hands-down favorite for:

Toughness - stays alive on a proper hook

Movement - Great movement under water

Durability - catch a couple fish on the same bait

Versatility - Use 1, 2, 3, 6 on a hook for entirely different bait look - or use one light brown caster and one spike...

Fish-Catching - they flat out catch fish!!!

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