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Lots of snow on the ice

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Comment by John Sheehan on December 2, 2015 at 1:25pm

Ok Carl I'll put them in a fruitcake lol!

Comment by Tony Livingston on December 2, 2015 at 1:25pm

I don't use my spud to cut holes, I have an auger for that. What I'm gauging with the spud is ice integrity. How many blows does it take to go through? Much faster than cutting a hole with the auger to check ice thickness, and a whole lot less tiring. My general rule of thumb is to hit the ice three times.....if  the bar doesn't go through, take a few more steps and check again.

I generally carry all my gear in a jet sled pulled behind me, and have the spud in the other hand. Walk, hit three times in quick succession, walk again. If I had to get the auger out and punch a hole to test the ice, it would take much longer.

Comment by carl hendrix on December 2, 2015 at 1:18pm

well;; you hard water fishing guys have it figured out; no doubt;;  all I can say is;; just send a few  perch my way !!

Comment by dick tabbert on December 2, 2015 at 12:05pm

John if you got to hand carry everything I guess the hand auger is the way to go. There is a time and place for everything.

Comment by John Sheehan on December 2, 2015 at 11:16am

I see what you mean though the weight of the spud helps bust through the ice . As long as my blades are sharp I still like the work my Ice Lazer Auger does .Lot lighter than the Jiffy I use to use .

Comment by John Sheehan on December 2, 2015 at 11:15am

I can see lugging a spud bar around in a sled on the ice but my auger is pretty Light. I hang and carry  a bucket with the flasher unit inside  it when its over my shoulder and carry another bucket with the lures .This is if I 'm walking around and not traveling far .The ice sleds Greg made get used when we put some distance in .

Comment by dick tabbert on December 2, 2015 at 10:30am

John I never weighed it. It was fairly heavy but you have to remember the spud is doing the work for you so the weight is a plus but not so heavy it's a pain to handle, I was younger then and weight wasn't a problem  but now I use gas.

Comment by John Sheehan on December 2, 2015 at 9:42am

Faster and less tiring ,REALLY Dick? I'll have to try a spud bar sometime .How much does yours weigh. ?

 Carl, I'll expect Greg to ignore me and keep catching fish if that happens!

Comment by carl hendrix on December 2, 2015 at 9:13am

John;;  I guess when it comes to using a spud bar- its best to use;; deplomcy;; in other words;; HEY GREG !!  COME HERE AND SHOW ME HOW TO USE THIS THING !  LOL

Comment by dick tabbert on December 2, 2015 at 9:00am

Your right John it is. The advantage of a proper made spud bar is that it is  faster and to me not as tiring as turning that handle especially as the ice get HARDER as the season goes on.. 

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