Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Theresa outfished me today, 7-2 overall and 4-2 in keepers. At least I caught the biggest one, plus the only keeper bluegill lol. It was a tough day, but the dockhand told me yesterday was worse - no one reported more than one fish :p

Also saw a bald eagle - my first in the wild - and a 6-point buck. All in all a good day.

As a tackle bonus, Theres gets the size 14 treble hook and attached snap swivel I found in the larger green sunfish's stomach :)

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

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Comment by carl hendrix on September 18, 2014 at 3:33pm

I make mine on about a 2 foot dropper JB!!  it IS DEADLY!!

Comment by JBplusThuy on September 18, 2014 at 2:18pm

I like that hopper-n-dropper idea for the bully spider, will give that a try next time I'm out.

Comment by Allen Morgan on September 17, 2014 at 6:10pm

I need to tie a few up for myself.  Carl and I were talking, and we think they'll be DEADLY fished as a dropper underneath a popper or hopper.  Give the top bug a good twitch, and the spider should move up a bit, then sink down.

Comment by JBplusThuy on September 16, 2014 at 7:57pm

We used waxworms, crickets, and redworms. The largest crappie took a cricket, everything else came on waxworms.  I brought my fly rod and did use a bully spider for a while, but no success. It was a tough day, and this was actually my first time fishing this year. It's been that kind of year.

Comment by Allen Morgan on September 16, 2014 at 3:22pm

Nice fish JB!  What were you using for bait?  Have you had a chance to use those Bully Spiders yet?

Comment by Leo Nguyen on September 16, 2014 at 1:39pm

LOL You know, my wife stated the same thing. She just knew when and where to throw. I always bat my eyes to understand her statements. However, she have always landed more fishes by day ends.

As for the chemical, if you haven't noticed yet, we, as the general male, tend to sweat much more so than females. Thus, our hormones (pheromones) get secreted along with the sweat. This is why when hunting, depending on how well you are prepared to mask your scents, your success is based on the knowledge of your body. Same with fishes. Our sweats, or chemicals we handled, get transferred to our baits and tackles. Which get picked off first? The women's. Here's an example:

Big Bear Lake last year. Same bait, same size, same rig, casted in the same spot (3ft apart). The only different was she handled her own bait box, and I handled mine. She ended up twice the fishes at day end.

Ever since, I have not come to a research done on which of human's pheromones that discouraged the fishes. However, what I have found out from person experiences and facts finding were, mask your scents using salt, and/or the local water weeds/grasses by rubbing your hands with them before handling baits/tackles.

Comment by JBplusThuy on September 16, 2014 at 11:45am

Years ago, I read in Fishing Facts that women and children have less of something (some kind of amino acid, maybe? Can't recall) in their skin than men do, and that this thing is a turn-off to fish. Never did any real testing with scents, etc., to see if it made any difference. Theresa said she just "knew where to cast." Could be fishing ESP :)

Comment by Leo Nguyen on September 15, 2014 at 7:58pm

Excellent day's finds JB, beating the odd of just catching one. It's always strange that the girls tend to beat the guys so many times over.

Comment by JBplusThuy on September 15, 2014 at 10:21am

Thanks, guys. The two GSF came as a surprise, since they aren't on the list of fish in the lake (LMB, crappie, BG, rainbow trout, bullheads, and sturgeon(!)). When we came out of the lake restaurant after lunch, I asked the a ranger about it, and he told me the lake manager had them stocked a couple years ago. I guess they're thriving :)

Had to go to the chiropractor this morning because I was a mess from hoisting that heavy rental boat anchor (2 paint cans of concrete, chained together) over the side so many times. Never got more than 1 or 2 bites in a spot, so next time, I'll just drift fish and spare myself  :p

Had a blast using the cut-down Fenwick SP681 I picked up on eBay a while back. It's about 4.5 feet long and even a small bluegill feels big on it. A sweet little rod, indeed.

Comment by Jeffrey D. Abney on September 15, 2014 at 4:10am

Good day JB.....good eaters!

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