Well it all started on a tuesday evening I had purchased some red worms at a local baitshop . Early that evening I lost a 5 pound bass that would have been my biggest bass. I threw my bait back out in the cove on the pond hoping to catch something. Out of nowhere this hybrid hit my bait like a rocket. My rod that I caught this hybrid was on a shimano 2500 size with 7' bass rod. I thought I caught the bass again. But when I pulled it in I saw head coming towards me. It still sends cold chills up my back today thinking about it. I did not weigh or measure this fish. A big mistake however we estimated 15 inches and was about 2 pounds. Fish grown off of Purina Mills Game Fish Chow.
Comment by John Sheehan on January 18, 2011 at 7:57am
Excellent Fish Austin !Aren't you gonna tell us the story?How you caught this fine fish ,what bait,how deep, how it fought?You know we are hungry for details!
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