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So I don't really know anyone who fly fishes, but I'm tired of waiting to find someone.  I've got the urge to learn.  There unfortunately are tons of rods.  I would like a little information/recommendation for a first timer like myself.  I would be targeting panfish, but there's always the chance at catching bass as well.

I would like a rod/reel setup for a budget, but one that would still be able to last me a few years before I grow out of it.

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I tried the loop to loop method and like it as a fall back. There are also a couple things I didn't like...

1. Getting the leader to tippet loop undone, and retying a loop in the next tippet, THEN relooping the whole affair together again is a fiddly project I didn't relish at waters edge. You could pre-tie tippets, so as to eliminate tying a loop. But the small looped connection is just a bit fiddly for my tastes.

2. The loops along the line want to pick up bits of grass and algae, at least where I fished. This was bothersome and I suppose could also spook timid fish. Maybe only a problem with floating lines, but I'm thinking it's gonna appear with any line.

3. I'm a "gadgeteer," and things like tippet rings appeal to me. This is subjective, I know, but there you go. We like what we like.

Ive grown to like the rings when changing tippets. Just nip off the old tippet and retie a new one. Yes, tying light tippets, anywhere, is fiddly. And I can tell you, getting that dinky ring tied on the end of the leader is delicate work. But I'd rather do that at my comfortable bench than afield.

Plus, I'm accustomed to the knots I use and can practically tie them in my sleep. So, its snip, tie and get back to work when on the water.

Different strokes for different folks.

I can understand that, David.  However, basically, I do the exact same as you.  When I need to put new tippet on, it's snip, tie, and get back to business.

My loops are not small.  I find it easier to work with loops about the size of a dime.  Of course, once the loop-to-loop is formed, and cinched down, the whole thing is over an inch long.  Looks king of weird, but it does work.

Tying the knot is not a big deal for me.  I've been tying that knot for years.

I haven't really had a lot of moss/weed/gunk accumulate on my leader/tippet.  Of course, I just started using knotted tapered leaders last Fall, and that was only for a few weeks.  There's only one place I fish that has a lot of moss/algae in it, and I think that pond is dead.  Not sure when/if I'll get back to it.

I do agree with you.  Different strokes for different folks.  This is also why I like to learn about how different people do things.  You never know when you might find something else that works better.

  No, I use the loop-to-loop connection also........Don in SC

I just tie a whip finish from my tippet to my fly line. ive done this so much its no problem for me. keeps it neat with little if any draw backs.

Whats a "whip finish?" You mean like a surgeons knot?

(the same thing you finish a flies head with?)

not  exactly like you finish a fly david. its a length of line- doubled back- layed onto another line;; then wrapped several times around both- working your way to the loop -- then run the tag end thru the loop- then pull the main line.  it will cinch down tight and sometimes will allow the tag end to run half way into all of it. makes for a extremely good knot.  very difficult to pull out. I have never had a fish of any kind to pull this off my line. takes a  little practice to learn  but very well worth it. I usually put my little finger into the loop while im wrapping it; making it a lot easier to handle; then when im done  snip a very small piece of fly line off and your done!

Sounds like a Uni-Knot, or something like it. Great knot - strong.

i make my leaders with uni knots at home.i attach tippet with a surgeons knot for my panfish rods.never found long leaders necesarey unless i am fishing deep .i only use floating line so if they are deeper than ten i am gonna switch to jig any how.the shadow of the fly line itself is more of a factor.for bass bugs i use some heavey doesn't stretch and it floats.

lord of the fly rods  proably has the better idea david; using those  line pins.  I use to use them years ago-- they held real good - never did  have any problem from them. and- if your line should go thru your rod eyes;; its no problem  throwing it back out. its all in a straight line

  I thread tie a loop in the end of my flyline and use a loop to loop connection to my leader and a surgeon's knot for tippet to leader. For some reason I am unable to upload this picture, but if you will click on the link I believe it will come up........I have had those barbed "stick-pin-metal-eyes" pull out.  Rigging it as pictured, I have never had a failure.....except a broken tippet of course.......

.Don in SC


yeah that is old school don and works great,most fly lines come with a braided loop on the end.i used to buy a braided loop contraption you slid over the end of the fly line,then pulled tight wroked like a chinese finger trap.the more you pull the tighter it then put a piece of heat shrink over every thing to permanently secure it.all lines i have bought in last 10 years have a loop on both ends,

Don, Jim - the reinforced loop tie in is the way I first tried it. It works fine, which is probably why its been the standard for well, forever. Its a great thing to know how to use.

When I was over on Ward Bean, I saw his "knotless" leader connection and gave it a try. It worked perfectly and it became my go-to method. Throughout last season, I never had a failure.

Now, it does require fiddly pre-manufacture, more than with the reinforced loop. That is maybe its main downfall. But its a good thing to do when you arent fishing.

Will it last forever, too? Dunno. Nothing does, of course. But the looped connection comes mighty darned close. The jury is still out on whether the knotless version will outlast my lifespan, once put in place. I'll probably never know.


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"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
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"Now that's an eater. Gourgious "
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"Nice bass Joe"
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"Pretty…jig inhaled….where did you learn about that color….🤔"
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