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what is the worst thing that happened either to you or the fish you cought?

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One bluegill swallowed the hook and it punctured the air sack. So, even though I released it the fish just swam sideways in circles, then sank. It was so sad
i think you mean the swim blader. right?
that's it
When I was a kid my brother's friend hooked me under the chin with a treble hook. I'm yelling and he's pulling, wondering what he was snagged on. That's what happens when you have 3 people in a small row boat trying to cast.
Dave ,you are lucky !When i was a kid I got hooked in the nose by a poor casting friend that had a hook with a huge night crawler .I felt it wiggling in and outside my nose .It was hilarious and horrific at the same time!!
the worst things that ever happened was that 1...a gill bit down on the hook and went strait through the skull. 2...another gill got the hook stuck in its gills so it was bleeding alot. didnt thing a small fish could have so much blood. they both survived. i've had a few close calls with casting and trying to untangle. 1...when i started casting my casts were erratic. almost got my dad. that was up in Newburgh. 2...i cast and it goes high into a tree so i pulled it out and i felt the breeze it made. im alot better now.
died right in my hand
what happened?
the worst for me was fishing at the river and my dad went to cast and flipped the bait on the ground and lined it up like surf casting and hooked me through the big toe and my friend was taking around a 2 pound bass off the hook and the hook stuck in his finger and the bass went wild he ended up needing stitches
that's prety bad
worst for me was taking a catfish hook through the skin between my index and thumb on my left hand while a buddy was casting, and he didn't notice and continued trying to cast. ripped a good sized hole in the skin but never ripped out, by time he realized I was on the end of his line the hole was big enough to remove the hook with ease without having to worry about the barbs catching because it was so mangled. to the fish I caught was on my friends private pond, caught a bluegill about 5 inches in length and while reeling it in a bass (is all I can figure it was) grabbed the bluegill and took off with it and put up a good fight until it got tired of fighting and let go, when I got the bluegill in it was curled into a C shape and dead.
Wow. ok always wondered what would happen if a bigger fish tried grabing a smaller one off the hook.


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