Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Hello to my fellow Bluegill Junkies!!!

Today was my final class of my college career! It was a bitter sweet day. I am thrilled to be done and sad to go. As i sit here thinking back to the year 2006, when I made a super bold and scary decision to walk away from a good paying job to fill a void in mylife, I realize that it was the absolute best thing I ever did! That decision changed my life forever and for better!

It was in college that I met a girl, who now is my wife and soon to be mother of our first child in Feburary. It was in college that I discovered! I remember it like yesterday. I was sitting in the "lab" late one night. I was just getting burned out building my model for class and needed a break. I was back in Minnesota and my love of fishing was rekindled, and so was my passion for giant bluegills. I typed big bluegills in the Google search bar, I hit images. Holy Moly!! GIANT GILLS!!! As I scrolled over the pictures i realized a common theme, I went to this site and I was locked in. I immediately created a profile. I didn't post anything right away, just looked at all the huge gills. Next a funny thing happend. I didn't visit the site for some time, a few months. I had a good collection of nice Northern Minnesota bluegill pictures but, I was nervous. I was worried that my gills would not even get noticed because of the all the southern giants. Well, I was wrong! What I found was a great collection of passionate bluegillers, and people that respected all fish from everywhere. I knew right away that I found something special! I found a fishing forum/site dedicated to the passion and not who knows what and the biggest fish, and that is rare! 

Now that I am done with college, I will have more time to fish and share my passion alot with you, my friends! This a new chapter in my life now. I have a daughter on the way! Life is great! I want to say thank you to all you BigBlueGillers and friends for being with me through my college years and following me through the next chapter of my life...fatherhood! 

Thank you, 

Patrick "Bullworm" Olson

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That is absolutely great news Patrick! I am wishing many blessings on you and your family!


  GLAD YOUR EDUCATION IS OVER NOW and on to different and challenging life for you and your family. NOw you can start a new job and that is to teach us all your secrets!!!!!!!!!!! I had an uncle that is now gone, and he had a big pair of Gills mounted from Lake Osakis from many years past from your beautiful state. I marveled at em for years and they have now disappeared from his Estate. In my youth they were one of my fondest and most memorable things from then. When ever we'd have a family gathering at Uncle Dom's house the first place I'd go was into his living room to stare at the big gills up on the wall. ONe day he happened into the room and said , one day you'll have some of your own. I don't have any of my own 2 lb. mounted yet, but I'm still trying some 40 years later..........

Thank you Jim!! Good times ahead, thats for sure! By the way...pounded some slab crappies on your River Critter Jigs last weekend!

Conrgrats on finishing college, your new wife, and daughter that is on her way. I would be proud to catch any of the gills and other fish you have shown us on here.  Thank you for sharing them with us. 

Congratulations, on the GRADUATION and THE NEW ADDITION!!!!!! FUN BEGINS SOON!!!!

David, It is such an honor to be here and active again! Thank you for sharing that awesome story! I was totally relating to it. 

Congratulations all the way around Patrick. Life is a lot like fishing, in that perserverance pays off. Lots of memorable times ahead, with new careers and new additions to the family. Take time to savor each and every one.

Well done Patrick -I can't wait to see the next chapter...

First, congratulations Patrick on reaching your academic milestone. Happy Holidays to you and your family and as much fun as fishing is now wait until it's time to go purchase the Barbie fishing pole and take your daughter out to the lake to take on a few gills.....


 I feel the same way about the site and it's membership....You could put me in a room of 100 strangers and it would be just that...tell me they all liked fishing and I would run in to hear and talk about it...when it's in your blood, it's in your blood. Look forward to all you add to a great site! 

Buying that first pole for one of your children is something you never forget. I am not sure who enjoyed my daughter getting her first pole more, me or her. This happened over 40 years ago, and I remember it like it was only yesterday. It is one of those memories that you will cherish forever. 


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