Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Spent the last 6 months fishing (800+ fish) with a 7 foot telescopic pole, various sized hooks(6 -32), micro plastic baits and hot dogs. All from the shore and on 2# test

What I've learned is that bluegill will eat just about anything.

Fishing with no indicator or bobber increased my hook up ratio

A small fish is as good as a big fish especially if the goal is the pull on the line and the smile.

I kept it simple this year and I simply caught fish and had the time of my life.


You can spend as little or as much as you like and still catch 

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Sounds like a great season and sound advise as well! Good for you!


Thanks, this season was a real eye opener for me. Scaling back the equipment really helped me learn technique


You got that right. The tug is the drug!

Amen Brother.... Short pole and light line really gets you up close and personal. 

Good observations, Joe.
I've noticed that the small gills are, indeed, less persnickety than those with years on them.
They do offer a lot of fun, too... When other fish have me stymied, I can get a tug from the mobbing crowd bear shore.
- I also seem to do as well with that lot using a plain, unweighted hook. Adding a small stuck float is also appealing.
- Rock banks are a good draw. Sunny and/or tree covered riprap seems to be the best.
- Never tried hot dogs in earnest, but I've made some pan toughened salt-vinegar-garlic cured "nuggets" for cat fish. Maybe the gills will appreciate them.

Thanks, Joe.


Thanks, I was surprised that I was able to land many decent sized gills in the 6-8 inch range on the 6-10 size hooks that close. I was told that large gills were attached to the activity of the smaller ones. I would start small and end big . 

Yes, I often find larger gills and shellcrackers on the deep side fringe of dink groups.

Kudos and congrats. Your next progression should be catching fish on your own creation.....


Thanks, Not sure if I'm going to add tying this year since the hooks and micro plastics worked great. 

Hot dogs!  you too Joe? I find they work fine and are a real cheap bait .Do you toughen them up at all by micro waving them? I too like to fish them without a float but will generally use a small shot up from the hook .Cast them using 2# test . But these telescopic I guess you don't cast with ,is that right? If you do what reel are you using . Thanks for the post!

I like to cut the hotdogs into small pieces, then let the hot sun dry them up a little.  Put them on a trout magnet with no other weight and let them sink to the bottom.  Caught several 'bull' gills and a decent green carp this morning this way.  Often,  i€ do believe simple is a lot better.

Sounds good Dan I get many slices for Gill bait out of a single  hot Dog .I usually put them on small spoons but also put them on a hook and a shot ,sometimes along with a small spinner added.

But your right simple can be much better when the bite is tough .  


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tracy willis commented on Joe's photo


"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
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"Now that's an eater. Gourgious "
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"Nice bass Joe"
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"To be honest Mr Jeff took them and cropped them for me so I can repost them the right way 😂…"
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"Fine looking Fish you're posting! Glad you found the rotate photo feature. Three steps.…"
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"Pretty…jig inhaled….where did you learn about that color….🤔"
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