Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

I go to Castaic Lake ( Which is in California) and nothing bites!!! We use a single 8 or 10 hook with a meal worm on it and nothing bites.. Here and there my grandpa uses a Night crawler and nothings bites on that either. Tomorrow we are going fishing and i was planning on him catching a fish because he has never caught one every time we go, only I do. So lately i bought garlic Night crawlers and im hoping the scent would attract the bluegill... So if you could tell me what bait you guys use that get the big bluegill I'd love it! ( PS We see the same guy every time we go there and he catches 12 inch bluegill that are probably 1-1.5 pounds and we do the same exact rig he does!)

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Maison, sometimes just plain old rotten luck will cause a fisherman to get skunked, and sometimes there is a reason. Usually, if the same guy has consistent failures, you can find and correct the reason. You can greatly reduce your chances of catching a fish if you're not patient enough, IE not leaving the bait in one place long enough for the fish to find it, or by being too patient and leaving it in a bad spot too long. Using the wrong bait can sure be a problem, but if you're using the same and catching, then that ain't it. What about his hands? Sometimes a fisherman can have something on his hands that transfers to the bait and turns the fish off. Petroleum products such as deisel fuel and that sort of thing, or perfumes like you find in sunscreens are a couple that come to mind. It is always a good idea to thoroughly wash your hands with a good unscented soap before handling bait.

You say you're using the same rig as the guy that is loading the boat, but are you sure. What kind of line is Grandpa using? Do you know what bait that other guy is using, and trying the same? In other words, if you're having trouble think about the little details and you'll probably do better. Good luck! ;-)
This was good information for me. I used to belong to the "if you don't get a bite in 15 minutes, move, club". Lately, I have been getting more and more impatient, and have been casting, reeling, moving, swearing, throwing out fish food, etc. So, my question is, how long do you sit there before moving, and what is considered a good spot for fish (in the winter) My pond has lots of babies, and I want to avoid catching those.
Hey Maison... consider...

Line...what pound test are you using...4, 6,10? Your line may be too heavy for shy-biting bluegills. Is it quality line, or off-brand junk? Spend money on good line, maybe even go to florcarbon.

Hooks...Again, quality and the right size...6 and 8 for nightcrawlers, 10 and 12 for smaller worms, Aberdeen and fine wire hooks for some baits such as crickets.

Weights...are the fish perhaps detecting unnatural weight when and if they pick up a bait, leading them to discard? Is a slip-sinker needed? Are baits presented in a natural manor?

There may be other considerations like specific location and depth or a weed edge or drop-off that may be concentrating fish. Likely, you friend who you see catching all the fish will not let you in on any of his 'secrets'. The key to success is sometimes something very small that we can easily overlook.

Hope this helps good luck! Jim
Same exact rig huh. Hummm?! Is it at the same exact depth? Good move on your part to use scent to attract.Is garlic a turnoff though ?,could be overkill! Have you tried other scents? Are you slip bobbering and working the water column? Not really being that helpful I guess but hoping to nudge you in the direction to find your solution. Good luck,let us know your outcome.
Sorry guys its been takeing me so long to reply! We fish off of a pier in Castaic Lake and we both use 4 pound test line. The guy that I talked about that I saw every time we go there throws on 3 trebel hooks and a few bullet weights on his line with one or two meal worms on each hook, he said he uses a 4 pound test line as we do. So any ideas?


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