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I've tried a couple of times to send pics from my phone to my bigblue gill address but never have any luck. Does anyone else have this problem or what am I doing wrong???? 

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What mobile operating system are you using? Android, Windows Mobile, etc., and what browser and its version you're using? This I can help you easily.


You can also upload to PhotoBucket if your phone allows. Then past the [IMG] [/IMG] image code that you snip from PhotoBucket into this site. Works like very other website. If your phone support the editor's tool bar option, the 2nd button to the left of the tool bar is the image options to allow you quick posting of your images. Works best using a computer's browser..not so much with a mobile device..I have the LG G2X, using Android v.2.3.7 Cyanogenmod, running both Fire Fox and Dolphin HD browser for this site's purposes.

Oh sheesh....too involved. I'll just wait till I get back from vacation and upload from my camera. 

Thanks Leo!

LOL. No problem Jen. It's good to have mobile options, but the options can be quite intimidating when it comes to various upload resources.

Leo, I don't have a clue what you said, but my sides are hurting from LAUGHING too hard!!!!!!

Jen, Can't wait for the VACATION PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't really learned how to text with the samsung I have!!!!!!

Greg, welcome to the 1990s. Now..let's get you 2010s. LOL Any issues with technology, let me know. Plenty of us in here are tech savvy. We'll be glad to help you out. If you need explanation, we'll stop sipping our coffee, put on the brake to our over-caffeinated brain, and talk normally.

Thanks Leo a cell fone is a hinderance!!!!! Mine does have a camera not as good as my camera!!!!!!! As for me instruction for me needs to be simple when it comes to technology!!!!!! P. S. fone and computer service will be off for several days!!!!! See YALL in the FUNNY papers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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