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whats your favorite fillet knife.. i have quite a few rapalas,browning,crkt but for some reason i allways grab my old uncle henry.

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Like you Cal, I have plenty different varieties......Just like a Barber has combs, I have knives......I actually like a different length of blade depending on fish type and size...Some of my favorites are made by Rapala and West Marine also has some good ones....Either way you go, the key is getting them good and sharp! I normally sharpen all 15 of mine during bad fishing weather so I'm ahead when it comes time to filet a mess of gills....I find that the sharpest knife is still only good for about 15 fish before it needs to be sharpened again....

I like most of you have many fillet knives. I really don't have a favorite but if they made one that holds an edge longer that would be the one I would want to have. I'm like Jeff after 15 or 20 fish I have to resharpen. This year I bought an electric fillet knife and actually got to use it once. It actually worked quite well. It works off 150Volt AC or 12 Volts DC. I don't really think it will be my go to knife cause it is a little bulky but worked flawlessly. If anyone knows of a fillet knife that hold and edge please let me know I could be interested. Thanks and GOOD FISHIN..

my favorite was a gerber; left it on the beach on ocracoke island only drove a 1/2 mile when I remembered it went back and it was already gone.  What kind of sick jerk picks up your fillet knife and doesn't give it to you when they see you searching? 

Now I have a few kershaws, case, rapalas, sabatier, dexter etc. use the first one that feels sharp when I grab it out of the coffee can. Like Jeff I have sizes from 6" to 12" my favorites are about 8" the berkely and kershaw seem to hold the edge the best. 

Has anyone tried the electric sharpener with the diamond grit?  I might put it on my Christmas list. 

My biggest complaint with fillet knives concerns the steel they're made from. Sure, stainless doesn't rust, and it will hold it's edge well. But, sooner or later it wIll need resharpened, and that's when stainless shows it's other side - it can be a real pain to put an edge on. That stuff is hard!

I looked forever for a fillet knife made from plain high carbon steel. I finally settled on a Dexter-Russell. Yes, the blade will rust if I don't dry it, and apply a protectant. And it will not hold an edge as long as my stainless knives. However, when it comes time to resharpen it, a few strokes is all it takes to put it back to razor sharp. It's a pleasure to use, and the ease of sharpening has me sold on it. it's the only one I use now.

There you go - high carbon steel has always been the go-to choice for honing and keeping a working edge. Tis' the reason razors are made from it. It's all about the care you give it.

If you are the sort who is not prone lavishing care on your tools, then stainless is a worthy alternative.

On the other hand if you appreciate a good knife and will dote on it - to include sharpening it often and as needed - then high carbon is the ultimate.

I use stainless mostly because that's what is in my price point at purchase and what can live best in my possibles bag. If I'm filleting at home, I have a 50 year old carbon filet knife that was my dad's.

ya ive actually heard real good stuff about the gerber fillet knives and they are affordable also

I have heard forshner is one of the best. I used to sell them in my tackle shop for the salmon fishermen. They were the big machete size but they held an edge very well. I like my Browning as well. I normally resharpen every 5 fish if they are not scailed. I can go 25 fish if they are scailed. I like to keep my the skin on my perch whenever poissable. :)

        Have had several over the years, but my favorite was made by Western

   Carbon steel blade..... great at holding an edge and the right amount of flex.

   It was a present 30 some years ago, but alas someone else apparently needed it more than I did.

Wow never even give it a thought. Don't keep but probably 2 dozen fish a year so the edge isin't an issue. I do have a rapala that I like I like the way the blade flexes.


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"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
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"Nice bass Joe"
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"To be honest Mr Jeff took them and cropped them for me so I can repost them the right way 😂…"
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"Pretty…jig inhaled….where did you learn about that color….🤔"
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