"Last summer I was fishing a lake close to home. I noticed 2 kids, prob. around 12 or 13, walking around the bank. They stopped about 100 yards from me and set their gear down. 1 of them had a frisbee, and I watched as he poked holes in the frisbee with a screwdriver.

Needless to say, I was intrigued wondering what the heck he was doing.

He then tied a string to the frisbee and turned it upside down. He had a tub of chicken livers and he dumped the whole tub into a pair of pantie hose and tied a knot in the hose. He then put the "pantie bag" full of livers on the upside down frisbee and floated it out in the water using the string to keep if from floating too far. They then baited up some livers and tossed out near where the frisbee was floating and started catching cats in a few minutes. They caught way more than I did.

Don't know if I will ever try this method or not, but kids can sure come up with ideas that an adult would never think of. By the way, eventually a cat or turtle did hit the frisbee turning it over and dumping out the livers...." - howard 


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