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Do we have any Buck Perry fans among the group?

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Legendary Buck Perry and his Speed /Depth Control Trolling Spoon Plug Method ! .My brother Greg and I often tell the tale of Buck Perry when fishing together . It may not be entirely  true by we don't like Truth to get in the way of a good story !

 " Buck told another Fisherman he caught a mess of huge Bass and the other Fisherman said," you're a liar". At that point Buck hoisted a Stringer of Lunkers to show his proof. The other Fisherman said, "You're STILL a Liar " 

Funny you should mention it. I took the Buck Perry seminar years ago. Didn't leave empty handed got some spoons to show for it. I have yet to use them but I do still have them.

Nice Dick !I have about 6 sizes of BP Spoonplugs I've never used .Got them back in the 80's.I still have the little booklet that came with them entitled ,'A spoon plugging lesson '.Written by the Man himself.

Buck was a ground breaker - he saw the fish in ways other people never did.
My favorite story about him is when he was a child. He went fishing a lot with his father, but he always noticed that the places they fished: in the shallows, around wood or weeds, all the usual places… They held a few fish.
Oh, you would sometimes catch one when it happened to be there, and call yourself lucky.
But, even though everyone always looked in these same places, by and large, whenever he looked in these places he simply observed they were few in numbers.
Everyone banked on them being there at the same time, that’s all.
Now, it was obvious to a boy of 12 that they existed, because occasionally you did catch one. But it led him to ask, “Just where are they? If they’re only here some of the time, and not all that often.... where are they the rest of the time?”
This started him down the path to what might be rightly called the greatest revelation in sport angling.

He summed it up this way: “Deep water is the home of the fish.”
He had a key in his hand, right there, that I believe the majority of anglers still don’t recognize.

I hear you Dave ! Structure, breaks and Breaklines and Depth and Speed control are key words in Perry's teachings.

Turns out I have 10 SpoonPlugs in 7 sizes 

Unfortunately for me all I have now is my plug never used. I was good till he got talking lead line.

1st time i heard of Leadcore line was on a fishing trip to Maine years ago. .I was there for smallmouth Bass and White Perch but talked with a guy about trolling with leadcore line for deep Atlantic Salmon in August .

And how about wire line?
Actually monel wire.... sometimes you have to go really deep and the wire was the solution.
That’s some serious fishin’, right there.


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tracy willis commented on John Sheehan's photo


"those are some fatties.  very nice!!"
8 hours ago
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Slept great that night, Dick! Nice being out there!"
dick tabbert commented on John Sheehan's photo


"WTG John."
dick tabbert commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Looks like an eater to me."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Yes, brightened my mood, Jeffrey! This was my first Fish that day."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Thanks Jeffrey! Some fine Perch and Gills finally! Looking to get a few more outings in before ice…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Good deal…..a taste of what you’ve been hoping for John…..nice fish through the…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Very nice John…."
John Sheehan commented on Sam k.'s group Trout Bums
"Gregs July caught 3#1o..21" Rainbow Trout "
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
"Thanks, Dick! You getting out at all?  I got skunked the 1st three times on the ice this year…"
dick tabbert commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
"Nice going John."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
"Some nice Gills and Perch and a Bullhead through the ice for the three of us. My total was 13 with…"
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group East coast Ice fisherman
John Sheehan posted photos
Feb 11
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's album


"These four kept of 13 caught. 12 out of the same hole is always great!"
Feb 11
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group East coast Ice fisherman
"Some nice Gills and Perch and a Bullhead through the ice for the three of us. My total was 13 with…"
Feb 11
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo

1stice Fish 2025

"Oh, good! Don't want loser anyone."
Feb 9
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo

1stice Fish 2025

"We have 5-6" of ice, Bruce! The 3" is the snow we got last night."
Feb 9

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