Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Well, I had never done it before, but today I decided to try tipping my 1/64th oz shad dart jighead with two different baits to see if it would make a difference. I fished a small public lake in Adams County, PA from 3 to 5 pm. Weather was splendid...68 degrees and partly sunny skies and calm and the fish were biting.

Last week I had to go to the drop-shot/live worm rig to catch fish that had settled near the bottom of 6-8 feet of water after a cold front. Not today, as I found fish 5 ft from the surface over a submerged creek bed. Using the jig with a small piece of garden worm, I caught fish steadily until I reached a count of 19 fish, then decided to try the Gulp! minnows as a tipping bait. Since the entire 1 inch minnow would make a bulky, oversized offering for the gills, I decided to use the back half of the minnow as a tipping option, suspended just like the jig/worm option. Here are the results...The first three fish I caught on the Gulp minnow tipped jig were the three largest of the day at 10 to 10.5 inches. I don't know why this is, maybe a small group of bigger fish just cruised in at this particular time, but the top three were on successive casts. Maybe the jig and Gulp presented a slightly larger offering that only the bigger fish would approach...just a guess.

I caught the same amount...19 apiece...on each tipping option for a total of 38 released fish. Most of the fish on the Gulp tipping were 9 inches or better, and the worm offering fish were just slightly smaller. I fished each option for one hour.

Worm fish tended to take the bobber under with more gusto, and would make the bobber dissapeer. The fish that took the Gulp tipped jig tended to 'trail off' with the jig, not always pulling the bobber below the surface. Sometimes, they would just 'tilt' the bobber and you had to be able to recognize the strike. Most fish were caught over the creek channel, which is easy casting distance from the shoreline.

So what did I find out? Probably, not much. The fish were on the feed as a warm 70 degree November day had them going and action seemed just as fast with either bait. Water was at 56 degrees and clear. The only noticable differences was the 'trailing off' bites on the Gulp and the larger fish on same. Need to experiment more...maybe this Saturday at another lake!

No, didn't prove much today, except it was a beautiful time to be out and those lovely fish made it a great time.

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Yep your right on remaining weeds are holding the fish for me also
To add to my previous reply: gulp crickets are great as well.

My thoughts on the larger fish: a minnow in its natural environment requires a fish to take it as a whole into its mouth and swallow; larger fish do this with much more ease.

My thoughts on the different ways the fish take the float: when using the minnow it goes back to my last statement.....larger fish=less fish. A larger fish approaches a food item and not many others challenge it or compete with it. Now take the live worm into consideration: any fish can tear a chunk off of it.....they know this from their everyday lives. This means more fish are after that bait and also means they will hit it with a more aggressive mindset, sinking the float instead of slowly trailing off with it. Smaller fish=more fish=more competition.
So it's a competition thing, larger fish go for Gulp! Because it's bigger and draws less competition!
Kind of. They go for gulp not because it's gulp but because it's a minnow. Less fish will try and hit the larger bait offering.

The worm offers every fish in the water something. Tiny fish can grab hits of it and when you get that frenzy started they are basically going to hit it and run before another fish steals it resulting in the rapid sinking/moving of the float.
Okay , I get it.
Same reason fly anglers fish small streamers to imitate fry and minnows.
Good thinking.

I think you are right on, Jason.

Intriguing study Jim. Curious though. Did the Gulp minnow got soaked in any solution, or dried straight out of the bag/jar?

The real worm has proven that there 7 different responsive proteins in the coelemic fluid that cause the fishes to recognize and attack without mercy, without any hesitation. Three known to cause lockjaw effect, which one of the scientists I knew tested high doses to see reactivity on different species. This is why I ask if there's any solution being soaked for the Gulp minnow, since Berkley is known for their plastic impregnated chemicals.

What did you say, Leo? Something about fishy T-bone?

Errrr.."Me want food!"?

The Gulp Alive minnows are in a small jar or plastic pack and immersed in an oily substance. May make a difference...don't know.

I know that smell tends to stay put on my hands and fingers...quite unique.

Right, Tony! I'd sometimes prefer worm guts to that odor and slime!


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