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Hey Buddies, what are your goals ? If I see something you mention , I may add it to this list.
Fishin' Goals
X 1)Catch fish every month of the year and archive with photos and calendars.
Bluegill ,Yellow Perch, Crappie and Largemouth Bass and Pickerel are achieved.
3) Catch First Carp
4) Channel Cats 2015:
August, September ,October are taken care of
4) Get 1st Trout on Fly rod
5) Catch and make Red Breasted Sunfish Calendar...June through October are taken care of
6) Get 1st Pickerel on Fly rod
7) Get 1st Walleye through the ice
Bullheads and Catfish Calander
need Feb,March,April,May ,June,Dec
9)Achieve Trout Calendar catches
10) Catch 1st Channel Cat through the ice
11) X ACHEIVED Catch 1st Smallmouth Bass on the Fly rod
12) Achieve Pumpkinseed calendar catches....need Feb. August and Dec. fish
13)Achieve White Perch Calendar catches....only need a December fish.
14)Smallmouth Need : JAN FEB MARCH april june nov dec
15) Walleye acheived :MAY JUNE AUGUST OCTOBER
16) White Perch :need December
Thanks for the video link
You bet Marty ,its a good one .I got it saved .
Great Keith , they'll love it I'm sure!
John;; 2 of my fly rods are 3 wt tfo rods;; tons of fun to!! proably the most fun of all!! in fact I have severl other fly rods;; 5 wts and 1 8 wt. after using my 3 wt rod;; picking up a 5 wt seems like picking up a telephone pole!! caught several really nice gills ; stripe ; catfish; and bass on my 3 wts to!! and they have spoiled into using nothing else but a 3 wt!! I roll cast with my quill floats; and casting is easy!!
saving the video of how to select line from orvis!! thanks for the video !!
Glad to be of service to you Carl!
Very pleased to have caught a fine December Pickerel and x'd that off my list .Feb and March Picks are targets that remain.
Only need a December White Perch to have the monthly catches for the calendar.
Tried today and got skunked.
Hopefully next time will be a charm and you can catch fish upon fish.
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