On rare occasions, outside of a tournament, a few anglers renowned for their fishing ability come together to determine who the best of the best is.
Today was such a day.
Last week, I challenged members of the Nebraska Fish & Game Association (NEFGA.org). It was a simple challenge. Outfish me, at my favorite lake, at my favorite species.
Summit Lake, about an hour north of the Omaha, Nebraska metro area, is one of the premier bluegill fisheries in Eastern Nebraska. Legit, 10" bluegills roam these waters.
If my challenger could put together a better 5 bluegill "stringer" than me, I'd give them a $25 gift card to Cabela's. If I won, they would make a $20 donation to the NEFGA.
After 24 hours, my challenge went unanswered. So I expanded my challenge to two lakes in the Lincoln, Nebraska area.
I knew there was a legendary bluegill fisherman there, not to mention some other anglers who are locally known to put the hurt on fish.
From there, it got interesting. The challenge was accepted, 15 year old Alex, "LincolnLunger" (as he was know on the NEFGA forum) rose to the challenge. It became not only a fishing challenge, but a regional, generation challenge. Old Alex (me) vs Young Alex, Omaha vs Lincoln....
People began picking sides, people began pledging donations based on the outcome, both the the NEFGA, and Recycled Fish, the premier organization dedicated to protecting our aquatic resources, and angling legacy (RecycledFish.org).
Now the pressure was on. I loved it. One thing was missing...... That legendary bluegill angler had not been heard from. Until two days prior to the contest date, that is.
With gusto, and bravado, Bruce Condello answered the smack talk that had been directed at him, and threw his hat into the ring.
This morning, about 7am, three anglers, myself, the self proclaimed bluegill addict, "The Kid", who's been tearing up the NEFGA's online fishing contests, and BigBluegill's very own Bruce C, met up at Holmes Lake in Lincoln to determine who could catch the best and biggest bluegill Holmes lake had to offer.
Holmes lake is wonder when it comes to angler, a triumph of the Nebraska Game and Parks. Right in the middle of the second largest city in the state, this lake has a healthy population of nice gills, good bass, catfish, crappie, the occasional walleye, and seasonal rainbow trout. A great example of what an urban fishery should be.
We fished hard, we fished through rain and wind. Sometimes fishing close to each other, sometimes drifting to other parts of the lake. There was more than donations and giftcards at stake, we were fishing for pride.
As noon approached, we came together, compared fish, or pictures of our catch. Between the three anglers, some 250, fat, healthy 7"-8.5" bluegill were caught in a 5 hour time frame.
In the end, "The Kid", LincolnLunger proved that he could fish with the "best" of 'em. And put up a five bluegill total length of 40.75". I came in close second, with 40.5" worth of bluegill. Bruce came in a very close third.