You're right, Jeremy! I have no concept of style or what I should wear...don't get out much. And I am old...58. The jury is still out as to just how 'wise' I am!
I spotted a key in there- kids have bright shirts and they move around a lot. Go to camouflage, have them work to be still and watch the catch- rate go up. If you have trees go brown, grass go green.
If you want to teach contact Girlscouts, Boyscouts, YMCA, 4H and take a whole bunch out.
I took out 15, set them up with 10 telescopic poles, small float, rigged to depth of the pond 8" off bottom, with Kids' safety hooks and spikes.
5 teams of three each with two poles. Made them work together.
If they tangled, they were down to one rig.
I had 1 assistant and everyone caught with most catching multiple fish. I would have them hold up hands foemr help or to fix one pole when both were tangled.
Safety hooks Important in large group if new fishers! I had 4 hook themselves but hooks came right out- not a tear was shed and no need for pliers.
will that would be great for a group. BUT at my pond, fish with what you got on or don't in Mayo cast. Pawpaw will bait your hook, spred out you Daddy will untange you line. And yell PAWPAW I GOT ONE. A smile and a little bit of laughing will bring the fish to you. And if you don't catch any thing. Go see mawmaw for some cookie and make your daddy bring you back next weekend.