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Why do bluegills take the backseat to other sport fish

The name is pretty self explanatory. Why do bluegill take a backseat to other sportfish such as crappie, bass, walleye and pike? Us bluegill anglers dont the benefit of many lures made specifically just for gills or magazines on tactics for gills. Thank God for this site!

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I totally agree, I'm an average In-Fisherman reader and all they can do is talk about bass, bass, bass. I think that when the idea of tournament fishing really got going, it started in the south and they regarded the bass as a quick producing fish that was of decent size that could be found all around our nation. The same is true of panfish but they saw them more as a food producing fish rather than a sport fish. Now its a different story with more people fising panfish, we surpass bass fishermen and should have tournaments to cater to us. Yes, as you said "Thank God for this site!"
Please, no tournaments! Enjoy it the way it is now - brag to the other people who may be fishing with you or friends at work but don't lower this sport to an idiotic competition. We cannot help it if people obsessed with bass fishing do not get what they are missing: namely, the most enjoyable fishing around! I went through this myself although I thankfully never fished in a tournament. Living in Florida, I have caught bass, several bass, in the 9-12 lb. range/ lost a couple that probably went 14lbs. plus and caught many more in the 5-6 lb. range but I was driven and would fish all day and catch bass in the 2-3 lb. range and be pissed because I did not catch a big one. I endured sunburns, skin cancer and leering from my wife. Somehow, years ago, a light went off in my brain and I have enjoyed brim fishing ever since both with a light flyrod and ultralight spinning. It is a gift from God and I hope these people get it someday and share in the enjoyment before they get too old to fish. Moderator, please note that I am not bashing bass fishermen - I am simply saying it's too bad they don't get to share in the enjoyment of brim fishing.
Most people's first fish might be bluegill then move on to higher sportfish like Bass or Muskies. I like Bass and Muskies but big bluegills is speical fish! Over 1 pound bluegills is different from smaller bluegills. I got In Fisherman Panfish Guide but I am not happy that's only a few pages about trophy Bluegills. Most is crappies plus white bass and perch! sure help to wake most people UP! Release big bluegills and keep smaller for meal!
"How many fishermen remember their fisrt Bass better than their first Bluegill?"

Those are the words of a great wise man.
I think this is because Bluegills are typically easier to catch than most other sport fish. Everyone catches them on a hook and worm. No one really goes out and tries lures for gills, but the people who already use them have taught themselves to find bigger fish. I also like John Cachel's comment, keep the smaller ones release the hogs i have always practiced this and in my secret spots this holds true i always have large fish to catch and the meal size ones to keep.
Amen to the DRAGGING comment while they play exciting music by the way!
Here we go, Dont mean to step on any toes but I 'm not sugar coating anything. Why do blue gill take a backseat to bass and others is because we let them. Bass are sexy, you have to have a boat that will do 70 mphto be a good fisherman , you have to have all the whistles and bells of the gear to be taken serious. When I hunt the apex predator and catch him that makes me the apex predator., and if I can make money off pulling a sow bass off her nest so the bream can come in eat her egg while I break her jaw getting my picture made so be it . Bass fishing really took off in the early 70's and money was made and still being made today .It all has to do with money,Bass boats cost to to 40 grand now, the big prize now can be a million, Got to have tackle box the size of a coffin, dont get in my way bream fisherman I'm going to win this tournament and be rich and sexy . Tv shows teach kids that they want to be bass fisherman too, got to have new customers,and you ask why Bluegill take a backseat,no one has made it sexy, with big financial reward, but I dont think I want it that way, fisherman are the ultimate managers of the resource and I believe it we should be stewards so our kids can enjoy it also. When I have a one pound plus bluegill onthe end of 30 ft of flyline and he is turning sideways and starting to circle and going to try to show you who's boss I dont think they take a backseat to anybody.
Back seat is just fine with me that leaves all the more gills us to catch.
Stuart, I like the way you think.
Well I have own a bassboat and have used it to catch all fish species. Not trying to get in a pizzing match, but have you not seen Bill Dance, Hank Parker, and Jimmy Huston fishing for Bluegills & Crappie with their sons & daughters? I know I have plenty of times. And they gave some good tips on how to do it!! I love taking my Dad or Son for Bluegills. I also love fishing for Bass(specially Smallmouths),Pike etc. I know alot of Bass fisherman, and to call them elitist or arrogant is wrong in my eyes. There are some bad apples just zooming around the lakes in fast bassboats, but they really are not out to fish. You have bad boating manners on the water from all walks of life. That aside, I put Bluegills right up there with smallies as great fighters.
Bruce J Miller is 100% right. This is why I don't tolerate bashing of other people's preferred type of fishing. There's no need on this site to diminish what other anglers do when their methods are legal.

This thread is frozen.
.....which is too bad, because I think the original intent of this thread was to discuss why bluegill are sometimes considered 2nd class fish, and not to discuss bass tournament angling.


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"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
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"Now that's an eater. Gourgious "
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dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Nice bass Joe"
Feb 23
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"To be honest Mr Jeff took them and cropped them for me so I can repost them the right way 😂…"
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John Sheehan commented on Joe's photo


"Fine looking Fish you're posting! Glad you found the rotate photo feature. Three steps.…"
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"Looks like a Chessie cat!"
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Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Just thought I would try that color jig since it was already on the line 😆"
Feb 22
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Feb 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"Pretty…jig inhaled….where did you learn about that color….🤔"
Feb 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"This is a nice crappie…..I’m very ready for winter to be in the rear…"
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Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Thank you Mr John. I have technical difficulties with computers. Mr Jeff is currently working on…"
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"Great looking Crappie!"
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