Am having difficulty with finding comments. Get e-mail note that a Jim Sheehan has a comment for me. Click everything clickable, no comment. Scroll down right side of screen here, see notice of comment, click me or Sheehan, no comment. Play on several other websites for 5-6 yrs now, this one "busy" and confusing. steve b
I have my page set up so that all comments must be approved by me. I think that is the default set up. I recieve an e-mail whenever someone comments on MY PAGE. There is a link in the e-mail that opens a new window to MY PAGE here. I still must look to the right hand column just above Latest Activity. There it says, You Have 1 Profile Comment To Approve. Click on that and it takes you to the comment, which is way down on my page. I can either accept or decline. I always accept, so far. I set it up that way so I would get TWO notices and I wouldn't miss any. TWO notices? YES, the one on the right column shows up whether I check my e-mail or not. If I see it there first, and click on it, it takes me to the comment, just like above. Once I approve it, that right column notice disappears. Here comes the answer to your question I think. If I forget, or don't check my e-mail often enough, then when I do and I see the one saying I have a new comment, that's old news and has already been taken care of. I suspect that is what happened here. You can't approve the same comment twice.
BTW, I find other site's navigation confusing. It's just what you get used to I suppose.