Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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A few days ago, a friend loaned me a 5wt fly rod a few days ago.  I've been practicing, and immersing myself into the addiction of waving the Fairy Wand.

I've been struggling.  Wind knots, bad/sloppy technique, etc.  I need practice, encouragement, and possibly a tutor.

I was able to escape out of the house this afternoon, supposedly to go get some food for dinner.  I ended up stopping at the pond in the park here in Sapulpa.  Winds were light, the surface was fairly smooth, and I had a new sunfish-sized popper to try out.

I basically gave up on "distance".  I just wanted to make as many "smooth" casts as I could.  I also realized that since the weedline was, on average, about 10' from the shoreline, I should probably work at a diagonal, instead of throwing straight out to the weeds.  This would A)  Allow me to try to keep the bug somewhat parallel to the weeds, allowing for more time in the strike zone, and B)  Allow me to strip the bug past the little weed points and pockets.  I also realized that I need to think like one of those "Green Fish Chasers", and basically work my way down the bank, as if I was in a boat with the trolling motor down.

So, I start working in this pattern.  After a few minutes, I began to get better as making "smooth" casts and presentations.  I won't claim to have perfected my technique, but it is getting better.  I immediately start noticing that the little 'gills were following the bug and taking swipes at it.  I also realized that I did better if I just let the bug sit, instead of stripping it in a few inches at a time.

Well, after about 10 - 15 minutes, I got a successful hookup:


All right!  First 'gill on a fly!

I continued my pattern, slowly working my way down the shore, making casts into the weed pockets, and stripping the bug past the weed points.

Somehow, I wasn't surprised when there was a big splash, the bug dissappears, and the fly line starts running to the left and into the weeds.  Startled for a split-second, yes, but surprised, no.  Luckily, I had control of the line, and immediately lifted the rod up to set the hook.  About 30 seconds later, this came to my hand:


Not bad!

I continued down the bank, until I realized what was supposed to be about 20 minutes had turned into 45, and I had better head off to the store to get food for dinner.

I will definitely have to return, and practice some more!

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Comment by JBplusThuy on June 6, 2012 at 12:00am

Nice! A bass on a 5-wt is a great fight! I accidentally caught a foot long bass on my 5-wt once, in about a foot of water. Then it ran and got right under my float tube, I could barely move the thing :-)

Comment by Allen Morgan on June 5, 2012 at 8:52pm

Greg, I'm also a member on a "local" fishing board here in OK.  They have a page for the Tulsa Fly Fishers.  I may have to talk to some of them.

Nah, she'd be hard-pressed to ground me from fishing.  My van is a rolling tackle shop.  Give me an hour of free time and I'll find a spot to fish.  Heck, there's a pond on the property at work that is stocked with some good-sized Hybrid Sunnies.

I may have to take the fly rod to work one day and play with the fishies there :)

Comment by Greg McWilliams on June 5, 2012 at 8:38pm

Allen, here is a link to a group not to far from you, GOOD BUNCH of fly fishers!!!!!! For some casting instruction you might contact the club !!!!!!!

Comment by Greg McWilliams on June 5, 2012 at 8:32pm

Allen, sounds like a great outing!!!!!! Jen ought to be an instructor, I heard the same thing when I finally found someone who knew how to cast one of them!!!!!!

    So are you GROUNDED from fishing because you late getting home from the Store????? LOL :-)

Comment by Mark Stine on June 4, 2012 at 8:49pm

Congrats on the new equipment!   I love to see another fisherman hooked on fly fishing! next step: hooked on fly tying! it won't cost you much, all my baits are free now that I've invested several hundred dollars... in fur, feathers, and tying tools. lol!  I went today and kept eight bream and one bass and was just as excited as I was 48 years ago when I started fly fishing.  PS Sally Hansons Hard as Nails is great for touching up those poppers.

Comment by Allen Morgan on June 4, 2012 at 2:52pm

Ok, I checked some finances today.  The stars lined up, and I pulled the trigger on a White River 8' 6" 5wt with WF5F line.  Got it strung up in the parking lot.  Took it to the pond, and managed to catch two more bluegill.  Had a bunch of yearling bass eyeballing the popper, but they didn't take it.  Also saw a Gar in that pond.

Now I just need to get a Scotty fly rod holder for the Scotty mount on the front of my yak.

Comment by Ronnie M. on June 4, 2012 at 1:58pm

Good report and welcome to flyrod fishing.

Comment by Vince Fusco on June 3, 2012 at 8:45pm

 Way to catch 'em Allen. They all feel good on a fly rod. 

Comment by Jen Nayfly on June 3, 2012 at 7:17pm
A flyrod is all elbow action! Another reason after a year of learning on a 5wt I gradually worked down to a 2wt that I use almost exclusively for panfish. Arm is never tired even fishing All day.
Comment by Jeffrey D. Abney on June 3, 2012 at 7:04pm

Good going Allen....another fun way to catch Bluegill and many folks will say the only way!

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