"Hi Doug, when the TFO “Bug Launcher” was announced, I requested a demo rod to “test drive”, more out of curiosity than for use since all my grandkids are all grown-ups now days.
I really didn’t like it, most likely because of the small handle, and because it is built on the same rod blank as their TFO “Signature” series my opinion was to go with the 8’6” 5 wt. Signature.
The fly rod was returned.
As you well know fly rod evaluations are very subjective and many times based on personal opinions.
My post above:
“I had forgotten how small a seven year old is until this afternoon when visiting our son’s home and met his young nephew. His parent’s house is on a large HOA pond/lake and I asked him if he would like for me to teach him how to fish - he was overjoyed.”
When I looked at the little guy’s hands I realized the Bug Launcher would be a natural with the small grip and the $80.00 price compared to the Signature price of $110.00 bucks is a no-brainer.
Lifetime guarantee to boot."
My new Fishin’ Buddy William – first cast on the new TFO Bug Launcher kid’s fly rod – first fish on a “Weenie” fly.
I had forgotten how much fun it is to teach a kid how to fish - had a blast this morning.
Quick learner on fly-casting – I see a fly flinger in the future.