Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Hey Guys,
just wanted to say hello and I look forward to learning a bit more on the subject of fishing. I've fished most all my life and fishing for catfish and bluegill would be my sport of choice. Im also an inventor and may from time to time ask you your opinions on some ideas of mine. I would really appreciate any thoughts you have good or bad. I really am looking to learn  and get some straight shooter type answers from real fishermen. I Look forward to talking with you.

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welcome great fishermen i find think alike, im also a inventer and would like to know what you got and i will share mine as well.

Welcome Ed!

Lots of helpful people come to this site, and it's interesting to see pictures of the lures and other tackle people have made at home.

Well I wish I could make my own lures,(but I cant). Before I get to talking about myself I would like to get some ideas of some of the products and techniques you use to make sure you dont let them get away at night?

Sorry I should have been more direct with my question. My question is when you are  fishing at night  what things do you do to be sure you dont miss your fish? examples: Lighted bobber, tape on rod, super sensitive rod, cow bells, Alarm type rod holder, Delkim alarm?My reason for asking is I am working on a new technology specific to catfish and smaller species like bluegill.  

Wish I could help you Ed, but I haven't been night fishing in years. I'm sure there are folks here who do, hopefully some will be along shortly to lend their expertise.

Welcome to BBG!

Don't night fish a lot anymore, but when I did I had a little electronic device that attached on my rod, and the line rested under this metal clip. When a fish bit, it would pull the line from under the clip,  a LED light would come on, and it would make a beeping sound. I got it at Bass Pro for about 5 bucks. It was very sensitive, and it worked well. 

Haven't night fished for so many years. When I did I would set my rods up on a wood branch Y shaped and turn it 90% horizontal to shore. I did have a couple bells which I put on the end of the rod towards the tip. I found the 90% would be more sensitive to them lite bites. On nights when a lot of light was not available I would lay down get confi and rest the rod between my toes and believe me you will be able to feel the faintest bites. If you fall asleep you should be able to feel a good bite that's what worked for me. Hope this helps you if you should happen to try it out and GOOD FISHIN.....

Thank you for the quick response. My reason for asking is I am working on a new technology that could possibly help when trolling, bank fishing or fishing at night. I will be able to tell you more about it in around 4 to 6 weeks from now




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"Wow, great fight .Especially on a 3 wt. Fly Rod! They are powerful Fish!"
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