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I'm not sure if this subject has been brought up here before, and if it has, I'm sorry for repeating it.  I am just really curious as to what fishing lines everyone is using for panfish.  Monofilament? Fluorocarbon? Hybrids?  What brands... Trilene, Yozuri, Maxima, P-Line, etc., and what colors... clear, green, fluorescent, red, etc...  Although I pretty much stay with 2 lb test clear mono,  I do enjoy being able to easily see my line, so I have used Fluorescent mono and tied on a clear leader, so as to not spook the fish. (Can they really see that line down 10 feet?)  With these ultralight lines, you are very limited to a small choice of brands, kinds, and colors.

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Wd 40 is fish oil based and not petrolium at all. I can only testify with my experience to longer cast. There are already several line sprays on the maket recommended by the pros.
You may have to check again on the ingredients.
It is an urban legend that it contains fish oil. It contains mineral spirits and Naphtha (petrolium).
Urban Legends
It works great on tight bolts and bicycles - but it doesn't contain fish oil. I will continue to cringe when I hear it being used - despite the small quantities that are being added. Yesterday, despite the large lake I was fishing, two boats had to come within 70 feet of me fishing, one got within 50 feet and I said if he gets that close again - he is going to get dirty. I was fishing 40 feet away and he could see my float tip at the end of his rod. The fumes of gasoline from his outboard were horrible.

Maybe try fish oil. Some ground baits use fish oil as well.
I do know that fish oil is an attractant especially in the colder water. But, I also hesitate putting attractant all on the line when we are trying to get them to focus on the hook bait.
My experience is that 2 lb. line flies a lot farther than 4 lb. But, to lean into a cast with a decent-sized float, I use a 3 lb. main line which helps prevent cast-snap-offs.
I think Stren is the lower end of the US fishing lines. The lines I have used Maxima, Drennan and others are 2/3 the thickness, stronger and more consistent meaning fewer break-offs.

How big is a large redear? I know you will be happier with any other line than Stren. If line twist is the enemy, are we talking spinners? I know I have never been satisfied fishing spinners because I end up with the same problem. For most discussions, I am talking live bait fishing.
I have used Stren 6lb for years, green. But this year I am going to use Stren Sonicbraid (1lb test diameter) 8lb test for rough cover. And 4lb Trilene XT clear\blue and 6lb green Stren.
Hey Luke...I have used the Sonic Braid in 6 lb dia. and 20 lb test for casting plugs to shallow water stripers from the shore, and have found it to be an excellent line. I might have to give the 1 lb dia. a try.
I dont think I will be using the WD40. However i wont be switching to mono again any time soon. I also troll with jigs in my kayak and doing so with mono can add up to a headache of line twist very quickly. I need a line that is thin for casting, has low memory and doesnt twist. For me crystal fireline has been the answer so far...but always on the lookout for something better.
Do you use small spinners? For me they work, but yes - line twist is horrible awful with these on mono. You are using a premium line in the Fireline for sure.
I do add swivels in front of my spinner, if I fish that way, and I even add a small swivel between my main line and leader line when fishing live bait. When retrieving live bait it definitely spins and can create line twist on the mono without that swivel.
The swivel acts as a finesse weight and also a connecting point for the two lines, the leader just a bit lighter than the main line. This connector is the natural break-off point as well. When fishing a lure however, you want that lure back so different setup. If you go with similar breaking strength on the lure beneath the swivel - that mono won't twist and can be replaced when it gets nicked or after a few fish.
Cold Water Fishing
Tomorrow I will be fishing a carp-only tournament. The temperature will drop from 60 degrees and sunny today to 32 degrees, overcast, windy and rainy. My advantage over the field will be that I will be fishing the smallest baits possible on 2 lb. leader. The light takes (if there are ANY) will be had by anglers fishing the light gear. There is one other team that will use these tactics tomorrow- Let's see if the results play out with our two teams in the top 3 places of the 16 teams entered. While I can't control the spot I get - I will try to give myself the best chance to hook up. Landing the 8 lb. fish in the moving water is another story, but better to hook up and loose a couple rather than to not hook up at all...
Im not really a fan of spinners of any kind..never really had much luck with spinnerbaits for bass or pike, in-line spinners for anything, beetle spins etc.
Id much rather use a soft plastic that makes a vibration in the water.

I tried swivels before switching to fireline crystal. Never found one smooth enough to make much of a difference.

was actually just fishing today with the smallest thill bobber I have found (thin pencil 1.5" long)and a 1/100th ounce jig and was amazed again at the distance i could cast it.

lol i sound like a commercial...sorry about that
I didn't know they made a 1/100th ounce - that is the smallest I have heard of.
ebay =) its a wonderful thing. I use collarless jigs exclusively
Hey John...I have been using 1/100th oz hairjigs I tie with excellent results this year and have even tied them as small as 1/124 th of an oz. As the water is warming up, I have 'enlarged' my size to 1/64th oz, which I can cast 60 feet with 2 lb test SOS Mono made by TroutMagnet without the use of a bobber or weight. This line is actually made by Sufix, which has a good 4 lb test mono for my money. check out for the scoop.
Current favorite is Stren Magnathin. I have been using it for the last several years and love it. Sometime a little harder to find but worth it.


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"those are some fatties.  very nice!!"
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"Slept great that night, Dick! Nice being out there!"
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"WTG John."
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"Looks like an eater to me."
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"Yes, brightened my mood, Jeffrey! This was my first Fish that day."
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"Thanks Jeffrey! Some fine Perch and Gills finally! Looking to get a few more outings in before ice…"
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"Good deal…..a taste of what you’ve been hoping for John…..nice fish through the…"
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"Very nice John…."
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"Gregs July caught 3#1o..21" Rainbow Trout "
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"Thanks, Dick! You getting out at all?  I got skunked the 1st three times on the ice this year…"
Feb 12
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"Nice going John."
Feb 12
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John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
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John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
"Some nice Gills and Perch and a Bullhead through the ice for the three of us. My total was 13 with…"
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