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20170424----~~<")))))><(---*Pre Spawn Period*--63°

20170424- With a new moon coming up and warming water due to above normal temperature we decided to fish the east leg of the Wixom Lake reservoir.

With the mild breeze, we started the trip searching for activity in the shallows and first break around the island… nothing.

We eventually found the fish in the deep cuts, corners of the bridge and some dirty shorelines floating with debris. The slip/float/crawler bits was the preferred method.

We eventually found some B.Crappie but not in the numbers we like so we may be a week or so early for the migration in with the numbers. Some of the B.Crappie came in approaching the 13” mark. Small swim jigs in 1/64 thru 1/32 oz sizes were the top producers.

It was nice to be on some quality B.Gill with a few going over the 9” mark. These fish hit the slip/float/crawler-bit combination.

Earl tagged a nice P.Seed on the combination just missing the Master Angler mark of 9”.

Connor got in on the action with some nice B.gills over the 8” mark.

...20170424- This is how it begins

...20170424-Earl's close bid at a Master Angler P.Seed

...20170424-nice 92% Master Angler Rated B.Crappie…

...20170424- we had a great day on the water… some highlights of today’s CPR’ed tags… a few tags in the 90% Master Angler Rating… slip/float/worms


I did a shake-down paddle/fishing trip Monday.  Went to the launch for Farwell Lake for the first time.  You actually launch into a series of canals that connects to Pine Hill Lake, then go through that lake to a channel the connects to Farwell.  I made it into Farwell, but didn't go far, due to wind and unfamiliarity with the lake.  Not to mention that I had some equipment issues (why it was a "shakedown").

I was looking for shallow, "black-bottom" flats in protected coves on the north side of the BOW.  The launch area fits that to a "T", which is where I contacted fish.  Like you, tipped jigs under a slip-float.  I didn't think to try any swim jigs, or even a XR-4 in Baby Bass that I found packed away in my stuff this past winter.  I'm pretty sure I did see a LMB on a bed, though.

i was looking on google maps of that area ... pretty interesting.

glad to see you got out on the kayak this early... looking at my logs it was mid may for me last year... now we have a week of below normal temps coming up... will certainly delay me further.

i'll tell you what Allen... look into that canal where it meets that main body of water... that's where my cousin Earl got one of his Master Angler P.Seeds the other day... a canal feeding the main BOW... it was a huge concentration of jumbos b.gill and p.seeds!

shallow in the dirtiest water has been our rule of thumb.... logs twigs leaves laydowns etc all stacked up in the corner of a BOW.

yeah, the dark bottom back bays warm quickest.

we caught some p.seeds that had freshly wounded tail fins... April !...this is insane!! warm winter and warm spring really accelerating things around here.

The canal that connects Pine Hill to Farwell is only about 2' deep, with no cover or structure.  The canal that dumps into Pine Hill from the backwater areas is deeper.  There might be some bigger fish hanging around there.  I didn't see any cover/weeds.  My sonar needs some TLC, so I wasn't able to look around with that.

20170425----~~<")))))><(---*Pre Spawn Period*--64°

20170425-with the very warm spring days we've had so far in April water temps put us and the fishing a couple weeks ahead of last year schedule. So that in mind we headed to the shallow canals where we had the success last year.

Once in the canals we noticed the likely spike in water temps… Earl and I started throwing the Ul jigs and Connor was set on the slip/float/crawler-bit. Immediately Connor was tagging some beauties so Earl and I switched up to the slip/float/crawler-bit rigs and started tagging the fish. The fish were cruising and staging in 1-0 to 2-6’ FOW at 64 degs.

I lost an 11” class fish by trying to hoist over the gunwale when I should have used the net… the weight of the fish was just too much for the small hook and the fish pulled free. Heartbreaking!. Earl then tags his first certifiable Master Angler Fish… a magnificent colored specimen at 9.0” !!

We pushed on fishing down the school till the activity slowed. All fish were CPR’ed.

We then moved on to a similar cut across the lake and immediately started tagging similar fish in similar water conditions. Most of the fish were incredibly in the 9” class and above. An amazing catch ratio!!

Still tagging fish at an incredible pace Earl suggests hitting the B.Crappie spot on the north end of the lake. I hate leaving such a good bite we pressed on to the new spot. Once there we noticed some fishing pressure and decided to fish some new shorelines shallower. Earl miscasts and ended up over a large caliber stickup and while working his line free of the snag he hooks another 9” Master Angler P.Seed… 2nd of the day!

We lose interest in the crappie and continue tagging major Lepomis!

... what an amazing trip!

...20170425- An incredible day of fishing!! Earl Tags 2 Master Angler P.Seeds in one day of fishing!

...20170425- IT WAS Beast Mode all day long!... many 90% + lunkers

...20170425- IT WAS Beast Mode all day long!... many 90% + lunkers

...20170425-had a nice tug with this nice B.Gill at 9.7”


reviewing low to mid 60's water temps didn't happen last 2016 season till past mid may... but similar results in a similar conditions

Solunar Activity analytics for fishing trip of 20170425…

I love to be on the water on the 3 days of the New Moon and 3 days of the Full Moon. With the full moon falling on the 26th of April we needed to schedule a trip falling on one of those days… we found ourselves on the water 24th and 25th.

On the 24th Earl came close to exceeding the 9 inch mark on a P.Seed with some great activity. The following day the fish were at the activity level of 92% on the lake was on fire. The fish were shallow in 1-2 FOW ignoring jigs but taking live bait under the Slip/Float.

Earl tags his first Master Angler at 9.0” just past the Major Period at 15:58 pm.

Then he tags his second Master Angler at 18:00 on the dot at the Minor Peak near sunset.  Major or Minor Periods at dawn or sunset when overlapped are especially significant. A great time to be on the water.

20170427----~~<")))))><(---*Pre Spawn Period*--64°

20170427- launched the boat into one of the most protected coves on wixom lake and literally got blown out of there. hey i can fish in 20-25 mph winds with the best of them... but not when they are coming from all directions!. I lasted only 45 mins.

When I had my kayak out, the wind was blowing fairly good, and it was basically lined up in the direction the canals ran.  I just threw my drift sock over and let the wind push me.  I did find a nice little area with Lilypads, that proved productive on the first drift, so I paddled upwind and dropped anchor.  It started blowing so hard that my anchor was getting dragged....


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dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's photo


"I've been laid back too long. I've got to get some stuff ready for this season.…"
10 hours ago
John Sheehan commented on dick tabbert's photo


" Great work as usual, Dick!"
11 hours ago
dick tabbert posted photos
16 hours ago
Gerome Hilliard joined J. B. Hillard's group
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


tracy willis commented on Joe's photo


"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Now that's an eater. Gourgious "
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Nice bass Joe"
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"To be honest Mr Jeff took them and cropped them for me so I can repost them the right way 😂…"
John Sheehan commented on Joe's photo


"Fine looking Fish you're posting! Glad you found the rotate photo feature. Three steps.…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"Looks like a Chessie cat!"
Feb 22
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Just thought I would try that color jig since it was already on the line 😆"
Feb 22
Joe posted photos
Feb 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"Pretty…jig inhaled….where did you learn about that color….🤔"
Feb 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"This is a nice crappie…..I’m very ready for winter to be in the rear…"
Feb 22
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Thank you Mr John. I have technical difficulties with computers. Mr Jeff is currently working on…"
Feb 22
John Sheehan commented on Joe's photo


"Great looking Crappie!"
Feb 21
Joe posted photos
Feb 21
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Not often That East Coast of North Carolina Boat Ramps are Covered With Snow and Ice……1/22/2025

"Understand Slip…..we’re getting another foot or more of snow today and I’m…"
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