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My rod and reel collection has grown tremendously the past few years and so with that the bundle has grown and with that tangles and some minor damage. I needed an efficient system of storing and organizing quantities of fishing setups. Pick up a spinning rod by balancing on the first eye. Picture suspending that rod by replacing your finger with a cabinet tea cup holder screwed into a 2x4 strung across your garage studs. Enough room to support your longest handled rod with clearance from the floor. I store 39 rods on 13 hooks along the 8' 2x4. The rod is suspended and nothing touches it.

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Hmmm, I like your way of thinking.
That said, I wouldnt subject my guides to the metal hooks. Those with inserts or finely polished metal may not take the contact well. I've seen it go badly.
Try this instead:
Get a pool noodle and replace the hooks with it, by attaching it to the cross piece. I use a large washer-screw combination. Cut slits in the noodle every four inches and push the rod shafts into the cuts, to hold the rods securely.
I also made a butt end holder from the same noodles, by cutting holes to receive the butts.
You can hang this pair on the ceiling, too, to get rods off the traffic ways.

That was one thing that did cross my mind was to add aquarium tubing over the hook but I didn't think it was necessary after it was installed . I love it. And of course my one outfit with microguides does not work.
Cost 7 dollars to build and have been using all season with no problems. The forces holding the rod at the guide is far below the failure rate of any guide. Just don't have any kids swinging from it. Lol
I've also seen guides scuffed and scratched this way, which makes me question whether they will harm the line as it passes through. The aquarium tubing is a good plan.
I would just prefer putting NO stress on the guides.
I've come up with several holder types and they cradle the rod, itself, much as commercial designs do.
It's just a me thing, I suppose.
Well after being satisfied with a 2 Mos period of usage I made the first revision...

clip a portion of the tea cup holder so the rod is maneuvered less to hang. Polish or grind point or put aquarium tubing over.

my rods get used almost everyday absolutely no marks or abrasions on the guides only some scuffing from use on aluminum boat on rod itself. Rod however is suspended in holder which is a sweet deel.

here one I found on pinterest. I cant take credit for it but it sure is usfull.

I mounted pool noodles to the wall - one high, one low.
I made cutout in the bottom one every 3" for the rod butts.
I added slots cut into the face of the upper noodle.
I slide the butts into the lower cutout, the upper rod section into the a lot above and voila! Secure, vertical storage.
If you make this long, horizontally, just slide a broomstick into the lower noodle.

Bicycle Racks horizontally holding some of my rods and reel combos in the garage:

good job!


hears one I saw on pinterest, I cant take credit for it but it sure works fine


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