i know i am opening a can of worms(no pun intended).but having chased the mighty gill with fly and rod for over fifty yrs. i thought i would ask all of you the pointed question.
if you could only fish one fly for gills what would it be,or in other words what is your most productive gill fly.
Hey Shooter, there is about 8 to 10 wraps of lead free wire. If all goes well by the weekend I will have some open water to fish. I will pass on a report to you. These will be given a test. I've tied about 10, in all colors.
I really like it we post new flies on here. It gives me a challenge to try and tie them.
You guys keep on posting your flies and we'll just think of it as an assignment.
Sir Steve , You are a master craftsman. I can see I will have to get some of this paint and start working on poppers. Lets see a GOOFY popper, If anyone can, I am putting my money on you. Thank You for sharing this. You ever think about going into this business? They look better than what you can buy in the stores!!!
When the bite is on top, a stealth bomber is my bait of choice. When things seem to be happening sub surface a bully spider is hard to beat. I use both in a size 8 95% of the time.