Do you love big bluegill?
The past few seasons it’s been season outdoing the last. Knowledge base on top of knowledge base. Building on some great info from this site and time on the water. I’m anticipating and looking forward to even better results with more citation fish. Anyway that’s the game plan.
Last year was the season of fishing TINY. Thin UL Lines loaded on tiny 50 series reels and light UL rods tossing tiny baits in front of fish targets…quantities of quality panfish and trophy SMB. Tossed the baits into thick cover with reckless abandon. Tiny presentations under slip bobbers thrown next to thick weed slop and weed pockets. Mid day fishing out of the kayak in less than two feet of water and tagging quality fish. Never really had another fishing boat come close to me fishing. it was like i had the lake to myself. looking forward to making some more good memories in the upcoming season.
Looking forward to any hints suggestions or comments from the BBG membership… sharing is the best way to learn and progress!
hope everyone a successful "2016 Open Water Season"
As the cold front continues thru water temps are holding near the mid fifties mark... water temp at the bank 56°down from a peak of 60 degs just a few days ago. Baited with UL tackle, slip floats, 1/32 oz jigs, and plastic bodies I proceeded to check the pulse of the panfish bite. in a short period i experienced (2) N.Pike bite-offs and a 28”er landed on the 2” Power minnow.
Conclusion....N.Pike cruising the shorelines spawning are delaying the shoreline panfish bite.
Still a great fish......nice adaptation to conditions......seems like it will turn soon!
…thanks Jeff... i used to live and breathe for these fish in an earlier period in my life... do enjoy the screeching runs these fish provide... some adrenaline rush is always welcome...
cold snaps here have been lasting 1-2 weeks with difficult weather to get out. you are right the weather forecast is predicting an upward trend in conditions.
20160427- ...----~~<")))))><(----------------------------
…glued up some 1-2" plastic to some 1/64 and 1/32 oz jig heads and pinched the barbs...
headed out to a new lake early this afternoon searching for the 10" B'Gill.
initial tactics will be long casts with the tiny baits and slip floating live worms and pink waxies
…remember: "Tiny Baits Catch Big Fish Too!"
The path to big fish as well as number continues slinging the Ul jigs and bodies with the long casts. Easily 150 fish day between the Earl, John and I on the little Jon boat.
Lake and Weather Conditions:
On arrival we were greeted with crystal clear skies, light east winds and very clear waters with temps in the mid 50°’s. the lake was shallow in general with a deep hole off center. On sonar there seemed to be a wide scattering of fish throughout the lake. weather degraded slowly as fishing continued with colder and stronger winds.
Immediate success!!:
Casting towards shallow cover the UL spinning rigs we all started to connect simultaneously. Best baits were the small sub 2 inch swim baits twitched thru the shallow flats in 2-4 FOW. B’Gills at first then B.Crappies at the deeper shoreline in the same depths. Many B.Gills heavy in weight but long in body were caught thru the afternoon. Great action. 30% of my fish were caught on the float and waxie but was slower in action, covering the water with the near neutral swim baits was the key producing technique. We tagged a few preds as usual on the small presentations with Earl topping a N.Pike at just over low 30’s and me with a 17” LMB.
Earl’s N.Pike
My trio of 9” class B’Gills
Some of the fish caught this afternoon
…B.Gill breakdown of the day
Size |
Number |
Percent |
4-6" Range |
9 |
18.37% |
6-8" Range |
37 |
73.47% |
8-9" Range |
3 |
8.16% |
Total |
49.00 |
1.00 |
20160430- ...----~~<")))))><(----------------------------
20160502- ...----~~<")))))><(----------------------------
We decided to fish a short trip on some new frontier area of the lake we never fished before…. And to top it off it is during the tail end of a persistent cold front that has knocked water temps down 5-7 degs. These are conditions that most of us stay home and wait it out… I used to be that way but not anymore.
Lake conditions:
Stiff north winds shifting eastwardly with clear bluebird skies are consistently known for tough fishing and that what we were greeted with today at Wixom lake. Water temps were down 5-7°. From just a week previous due to a persistent cold front. Warm-up is predicted in the upcoming weather but fish don’t read the forecasts. Considerable chop on the water at times.we found considerable carp warming in the shallows and that tends to replace the normal fish populations temporarily.
Technique and Some Success:
We started with exploring shallows that had no visible signs of carp with slip floats and worms and the tiny swim jig with super lines. Sonar showed little fish activity or movement in the depths so we considered most fish were in shallow despite cold front conditions. We tagged a few quality Y.Perch over 10”, Chunk LMB, Crappie and White Bass. Earl topped off the day with a near Master Angler P.Seed that took his 1.5” swim jig on a 1/64 oz jig head thrown with 3# Nano.
My fishing was off due to arm pain and numbness in my right hand and I fell behind Earls numbers today.
Slip/Floating produced null numbers today but I think we just could not find the numbers or locations of the B.Gill today. Hey!... this was new lake territory we were exploring and quantities being down is an expected reality… like this afternoon.
The hot tiny jig bite/pattern continues and will hopefully hold full steam thru the rest of the season… much like last. I faithfully continue with a pattern of fishing until it no longer produces. I will switch off to other proven techniques in my arsenal such as drop shot and slip floating. Right now swimming the jigs is covering water quicker and accompanied with the very long casts over spooky shallow fish is accommodating the bite. Personal best early season on record for me using this technique.
Earl’s 94% Master Angler Rated P’Seed
Todays Virtual Cooler
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