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Just a quick question about sharing space in the water. Every boater has their favorite fishing spot(s) on their local body of water. Since I'm going to be new to sharing the open water this year, I don't want to be "that guy" that gets too close and cramps someone's fishing. But, if they're fishing in one spot, it must be for a reason, and that's probably where I should want to check out the fishing. How close is proper and what is too close?

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For me, it's within casting range.  Tangled lines, not good....

Of course, "casting range" is a subjective term.  With my UL rod, about 30'.  With my fly rod, 60' max (for now).  One of my catfish rods with a 2 oz bank sinker, well, maybe 100'?

Some states have a distance regulation, stating that you have to stay X feet away from someone else that's fishing.

  for me;; my choice would be to mark the spot close to where they are fishing; on a map or something; then just move along;; come back at a later date when no one is there and check it out..  curtisity; starts with each of us;; should you for some reason get to close;; and getting to close ; really depends on that; ( other guy );; could  lead to altercations none of us want.  its easier; shows curisity; to by pass others fishing;  avoiding any confrontations.  try starting a conversation with the other fisherman; they might just say; come on over !!

Good advice from others.......I employ a strategy of mutual respect and treating others the way I expect them to treat others......this will be a challenge in heavily fished bodies of water.........I'm looking forward to retirement so I can do my chores on the weekend and fish all week.......I turn away very early if I'm approaching another angler.......most often not close enough to speak.......just my preference......follow your gut Gary........just the fact that you're asking the question would indicate to me that you respect others and for that I give you kudos........Good luck fishing when you get out there!

Thanks, Jeff. How much longer until you can retire? I like your plan...chores on the weekend (to keep the wife happy) and fish the rest of the week. I'll be adopting that strategy starting in June when school lets out. Can't wait!

Thanks, guys. All good advice. I will definitely give other anglers a wide berth. Better safe than sorry. Last thing I need is someone angry with me out on the lake. My intent is to fish the larger, more popular bodies of water mid week over the summer and avoid the crowds. My winter reconnaissance is yielding smaller ponds and lakes off the beaten path that hopefully won't be over fished and will be left to me and maybe a couple of others on the weekends. I'm putting Google Earth to good use, tracking down every body of water I see on the weekends to mark off whether it is public or private and if it has launch access. Unfortunately, up here in Northern NJ many of the lake communities are turning their lakes into private use areas for community members only. I get why they do it, to keep the undesirables out in an attempt to preserve what they have, but it does suck for us responsible anglers looking for new territory.   

Thanks, Clay. Good advice. I've got a 12' yak with a Min Kota electric motor, so I'm pretty quiet out there. Keeping my distance from other boaters is key. I don't want to be "that guy" for sure!


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