Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Last Friday, I went fishing.  Managed to bring home some nice catfish as well.

Apparently, I brought home something more than some catfish.  My vehicle has been smelling like fish for days.  Nothing truly rank, more like my cast net being still wet from the shad slime.  Which was exactly what I thought it was, as my cast net was in the back, and with the humidity, hadn't really dried out.

Two days ago, I finally remembered to grab my net and put it on my front porch, to hopefully get it to dry out.  It was dry already.  OK, now what.

Well, yesterday, the clouds finally cleared out.  Sure enough, my Traverse was still smelling like fish.  Going from my day job to my night job, I realized that the little cooler I use to keep Shad fresh in was still in my car.  Ok!  That's probably it!  I almost always dump my leftover bait, but there's still shad slime in there.  Normally I rinse this little cooler out, and rinse off the gel ice packs, put the gel packs back in the freezer, and let the cooler air out.

I brought the cooler into the house (mistake #1).  There are two zippers I have to undo, one to a pocket that houses one of the gel packs, the second to the main storage pocket, which has another gel pack and the offending slime.  I opened both zippers (mistake #2).  I grabbed the top gel pack, rinsed it off, and put it back in the freezer.  I flipped open the lid to get a peek at how much shad slime I was dealing with (mistake #3).

Frak!!!  There's still Shad in there!  OMFG it stinks!  I quickly closed that lid.  It was open only a second or two.  Immediately Laurie Kuntz-Morgan​ and a couple of our kids start going off about that unholy stench.  I calmly and quickly took the cooler outside  I disposed of the stinkbait and decided to retire that gel pack.  I rinsed out the plastic bucket that goes into the cooler, and rinsed out the cloth cover for the cooler as well.

Hopefully my Traverse starts to smell better now....

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LOL Allen ... great story!

i left a gill in the live well for a few days...WHEWWW!

hey ... ya could of told the kids you were making a a Limburger cheese sardine and onion sandwich... lol

LOL.  Ever make "sour bait", basically homemade stink-bait from rotten fish?  I was in the beginning stage of that.  Man, that stuff reeks!

Never did... but my dad and uncle had cottages on this lake and were always coming up with recipes for carp.

whew!! I know that smell! same one you get if you miss a fish and leave it in the live well!!! 

Ewwwww. At least you found the smell and now your truck won't stink! Lol

UPDATE:  It's been a couple of days, and my vehicle doesn't smell like fish.  Thankfully!


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