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I'm looking at Fishing Kayaks (I must say the number of options out there is phenomenal) 

I'm not sure whether to Paddle and Pedal... I've never fished in a Kayak before and any suggestions would be appreciated very much. The Hobie Mirage Pro Angler looks like an incredible piece of equipment but has a Hefty price tag also... they even offer a trolling motor option... which is something to think about since the lake I fish can get very windy especially at the end of the day when your headed directly into it, to get back to the launch ramps. Appreciate any input...

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This can be made very complicated or very simple. You be the deciding factor. Simply put:

If you go to a lake/deep river almost exclusively then the peddles would be ok....they are heavy though. If you get off the beaten path and slide it up and down banks and kayak through shallow waters where rocks are present then get the paddle.

Loading the yak would be of course far easier with the lighter yak....keep that in mind.

You can make it far harder to choose but that's the main points. If you can't paddle due to physicalities or can't peddle due to physicalities then the obvious choice would be the other. Good luck.

Appreciate the input Jason... Thank you... 

If you go pedal, it pretty much limits you to 2 brands and a pretty hefty upcharge. New, the pedal boats are ~2k. Some very good paddling yaks below 1k and some decent ones at half that. Pedal boats weigh more and you have to float them (you can insert the pedal mechanism in the water, but most people seem to float them and wade to get in). Those are the pedal negatives. The positives are hands free for fishing and more stamina in your legs than arms. Those are pretty big positives. Mostly it is a matter of whether you have the money, will commonly fish where it is easy to launch and where you won't hit bottom and can trailer it or don't mind the weight. 

I prefer paddle.

We've been over the weight and the loading-unloading plenty.
Being able to access remote areas - or not - is another factor.

Cost may be a factor or it may not.

But let's address question. Pedal or paddle?

Pedal. There is nothing like it.
Handling paddles is a PITA. If you don't have to, don't.

I suspect your fixation on this says you wanna try pedaling.
Find a way to do it. You won't be disappointed.
If you don't have to tote your boat, or get "inventive" with out of water handling techniques...
If you don't mind being tied to ramps, developed access and such 'limitations' - you owe it to yourself to try.

Thanks McScruff... I fish the same Lake most of the time... and ramp access is good there... I'm leaning toward paddling purely for the Hands Free fishing idea... Like I said earlier they also offer a trolling motor option for the Mirage Pro Angler... The E-volve unit looks interesting and allows for a lot more distance travelled and the ability to cover more of my favorite fishing spots. I've been a tuber for a long time but just can't do the distance anymore (Just turned 60) and my knees just aint what they used to be... but pedaling would be doable... a little different from kicking with fins... Thanks for your input ...

See, I've left yakking for tubing.
What a reversal.

I just don't wanna lug the damn things around.
It's the backwaters I love. If there's a ramp, I'm unhappy.

Tubing? In SC backwaters? In the low country that might be a little dicey.

Midlands, Lake Murray and ponds
On the lake, I've never seen a snake away from the immediate shore.
Alligators? Nope.

Snapping turtles might be a bother and moccasins might be around in ponds.
It is what it is.
Our local group here in Georgia, LAKE, (Lanier Area Kayak Enthusiasts), had a Campout/Paddle event a while back. Big turnout, 30-40 boats. All types.
To get from the launch back to the vehicles, you had to haul your kayak back up a rocky , rutted path that had a lot of tree roots on it. Fairly steep, maybe 100 yds to where you could park.
I hauled my trusty Slayer out of there by myself. (I am 68). I use a CTug cart, which is excellent. All the guys with pedal boats borrowed my cart, and got a posse to help them get back up the trail. I must have loaned my cart to 6-7 guys. The weight becomes significant in certain circumstances, especially where you can't back a trailer down to the water.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am a river dawg; lakes are always a consolation prize. At the shore, I like the surf. these are not pedal friendly places. So I have bias...

I have both. Peddling on large water is definitely better. Winds,tides,etc can be very tiresome. Down side is weight. They can be a load. Another issue at least with the Hobie is that is doesn't peddle in reverse. U will want a small paddle handy. I spend most of my time on the river so my old Future Beach gets most of time.

Mark? I didn't know you were on here, assuming you are who I think you are. Wanna go drag some kayaks down a sort of wet rocky ditch and catch scores of pretty but tiny panfish? that was a good day not to have a pedal boat.


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