Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Do any of you fish for gill's in the river? I have found it to be a challenge to find big gills in the river. I always catch a lot, but just can not seem to locate the big ones consistently. Any one have any advice?

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Well, we have seen each other in church for years and finally we got together to do some fishing. I learned more about Escambia River in one fishing trip with Marc than I have in the last 3 years fishing it by myself. Not only was he kind enough to show me a lot of his favorite honey holes, he showed me a new way to fish that will allow my wife and I to fish together! I love to troll the banks with a fly rod and my wife likes to sit in one spot and fish on the bottom. The way Marc fishes for gills is a great compromise that will be good for me and my wife. Tight line is the way to go and it seems to produce not only more fish but larger ones as well. Thanks again for a great fishing trip! I look forward to many more!!! I thank God for good friends and good fishing!!
Brother Cobey, you are so very welcome! I too, enjoyed our fishing trip tremendously! It's always fun to share with folks who enjoy the same things you do, especially fishing and hot rods!!! I look forward to many more trips, not only on Escambia River, but other places as well. That tight line method I used on those bluegills also works just as well on flounder and redfish with a small strip of cutbait, let's go do it !!! I'll see you Sunday morning, Marc
Well in all your edumacation! Give us a lesson on what you learned about tightline. My ole lady has read this and would love an explanation! That sounds pretty cool she says!
Well, tight lining is when you fish on the bottom instead of using a float. When fishing in the river, this produces the larger shell cracker. Usually, when I fish with a float during the summer or winter the majority of the fish are small. The only time that I really land any big ones while using a float, is in the spring time. We use as light of a split shot as possible (depends on current and wind) about 8" above the hook and crickets. Shell crackers love it!

Cobey, I live in Pensacola and always wanting to fish Escambia River. If you need a partner just let me  but never know. I use crickets and have never tight lined and would love to see this in person.

great looking scenery for fishing!

tightline =dropshot?

is your sinker above the hook?

Spillways and dams are always good if bluegill or other sunfish are present. I fish a river below a hydro dam up in Indiana. Usually a rockpile that produces a nice eddy of calm water behind it will hold several gills, especially if it is close to spawn. I cast a weighted bobber above a hair jig or hook and worm right up against the back of that rockpile. Fighting a big bull in fast current is an adrenaline rush! Most of my luck fishing rivers for gills comes with time of day. They seem to bite really well between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., and then again after 4 p.m. I've filled a basket before while several other folks are fishing for catfish, walleye, and white bass with little to no luck.
Maybe its an area thing. NEVER caught a 'Gill in a river here. Here, its crappie, rock bass if the waters moving. Have a slow deep stretch of the Grand River here in my backyard thats never yielded a 'Gill. this is N.E.Ohio. your mileage may vary ! steve b
Mr. Cobey!

I to am taunted by the river. Its easy to go and load the boat with a limit of 8 to 9" fish but where is those 2lbers at? All I can say is goooooddddd luck. Its going to take alot of luck and homework and time spent on the water. But if you ever feel like cheating and fishing a lake then check this one out. Its a couple hour drive for me but hopefully I will make it this year durring there spawning season. Theres been some 3lbers caught from here and its all done in april and may! - 22k -
Thanks for the info! I had not heard of this lake before. I will definitely try to make it over there soon! If you are able to go, let me know how you do and I will do the same.
Soon my friend! Very soon.

I think it depends on the amount of current flow, and the pressure from bigger predators.

Here in my area of Oklahoma, "the river" means the Arkansas River.  In my part of the state, this river is a "braided prairie stream", about 300 - 400 yards wide, usually one main and one or two smaller channels, with flow rates from 100 cfs up to 40,000 cfs.  There is a hydro-electric generating dam on the western edge of my territory, this is the reason for the wide variation in flow rates.  When they aren't generating, the river is typically 4 - 10' deep.  At full generation, 12,000 cfs, you can add about 7' to that.  When they open floodgates, it gets really fun.

That said, there are Bluegill here.  I only catch them (along with Longear and Green Sunnies) in low-flow conditions, and in the eddies out of the current.  There aren't many big predators around in those conditions.  But when the water is moving, there's LMBs, Kentucky (Spotted) Bass, Gar, Flathead Catfish, Blue Catfish, Stripers, and Hybrids (Wipers) swimming around.  I've used Bluegills for bait in those conditions.


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dick tabbert commented on Bruce Tomaselli's photo

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"Great looking flies Bruce."
Bruce Tomaselli commented on DAVID L EITUTIS's photo


"I sure will. The baetis wet fly is a size 18 and the cicada is a size 8. Although I tied them for…"
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John Sheehan commented on Bruce Tomaselli's photo

foam bugs

"Nice work ,Bruce!"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on DAVID L EITUTIS's photo


"I found it on YouTube, David. I'll be tying some for the upcoming crappie and bluegill spawn."
Mar 7
DAVID L EITUTIS commented on Bruce Tomaselli's photo

foam bugs

Mar 7
DAVID L EITUTIS commented on DAVID L EITUTIS's photo


Mar 7
Bruce Tomaselli commented on DAVID L EITUTIS's photo


"They look like good crappie flies. Do you have a pattern to share for it? "
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DAVID L EITUTIS commented on DAVID L EITUTIS's photo


"HEY BRUCE , I USED TO for the first 20 or so years I used I have to tip em for some…"
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Bruce Tomaselli commented on DAVID L EITUTIS's photo


"That's sure neat compared to mine."
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"Great tying Space, Tooty!"
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