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Hey BBG members,
I was looking into purchasing some panfish poles and i was wanting some info on which ones are the best and also, how do i go about rigging the line on them. (im talking about the poles that you dont attach a reel to)
Hey personal choice is the brand BnM poles. Have proven to be very durable over the years and I telescopic fish alot. I own poles that range from 10 feet through 20 feet for different applications. Your choice will be based on your fishing locations considering things such as overhanging trees, bank or boat application and several others. Likewise, attaching the line will come from your choice of knots, many will work just fine as the poles are designed to absorb the fight. I personally use line no less than 10 pound test but you may chose to go smaller based on your water structure and clarity. I attach my line of choice so that I have 6" to 1' longer than the total length of the pole. This too will evolve into a personal preference for you and your style of fishing. Sometimes it might be better to shorten up but rarely would I go longer because you will lose control of the fish. Just my three cents, good luck and enjoy this fun method to catch big gills! Long pole fishing rocks!
I go directly to the tip and thousands of solid fish later I still haven't had a failure Jordan......Just be careful when you select your poles, there are some poorly made imitations out there that are relatively inexpensive. I spend 20 to 30 dollars a pole and things are good. I also have considered and see no problem with adding a securing loop to the pole if desired for a backup but I want the fish pulling on the eye....fished properly these poles are very reliable. By that, I mean learning to play your catch properly and not trying to horse them into the boat or onto the bank. Good Luck
One of the best telescopic poles I have ever used is the Mr. Crappie nine foot fiberglass pole. The great thing about this pole is that it can be used for all types of fishing. Over the last year I was able to use this pole for fly, bait, and float fishing.
I use nine feet of Asso one lb. test line, #10 micro split shot and a #12 / #14 Adams dry fly. The shot allows me to swing out the fly for perfect drag free top water placement. The impact of a gill hitting a top water fly is amazing. Based on the diameter of the line it’s not uncommon to hear the pole sing as the line resonates. Remove the shot and replace the fly with a #12 Aberdeen hook and your all set for bait fishing. I swing out a cast and most bluegill will hit on the drop. You can also add a trout magnet EZ Float if you wish to use as a float / indicator.
Pole fishing is probably the most versatile and productive method of fishing today. Have fun
Thanks Joe, but im curious, won't the shot make the fly sink??
You would think so, but no. The surface tension of fresh water is about .074 grams. A #10 shot is about .03 grams. This is enough weight to swing the fly out but not sink the fly. The plus is that a dry fly is designed to float,this does help since the shot does not have the weight to pull it down . The fly actually acts as a life vest for the shot
Okay makes sense, but where can you get the #10 shot? Have to order them??
You can order Dinsmore #10 shot online. I micro fish get get most of my terminal tackle here at Look at the tanagobum section for an idea of fixed line including floats, hooks and shot. Most of what you see on the site is Japanese fixed line bait / fly fishing fishing.
There is also TenkaraUSA. They have the same kind of items.
Tenkara yes... bait fishing no.
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