I've been informed that some people are having difficulties with ning.com's new chat format. Please let us know if you're having problems, and please, please, PLEEEZE let us know if you have a solution to the problems!
When I first saw the thread that talked about the chat room, I looked briefly for it but didn't see where it was located. Today I spent another 10 minutes and still couldn't find it. How exactly do you find and use the chat room.
Ya'll, Chat is right up top next to RULES. It is also bottom right and down there it tells you how many are online. Click on it and it tells you who they are. When it opens about a quarter page, click on it at the top of it to get rid of it, or not if you want to chat.
My problem here is when I try to load the Main page my computer locks up. Didn't know if it's just my problem or something else. I have to enter thru the forum to wander around here. When I click on the main page to get here or after I'm here the ole computer locks up on me. Could be just me and my computer.
Great site. Thank you, Doug
Some of my group members have had problems with a number of different pages, I have not. I asked Ning about it and here is the reply.
As for the member who has issues accessing the group when the player is up, they should check their browser settings to make sure that javascript and flash is enabled. You can pass these instructions their way: http://help.ning.com/?faq=3217 and http://help.ning.com/?faq=3062. I hope this is helpful, and thanks again for your ideas!
Could be your browser is not set up like this platform wants it. Perhaps these help files will solve it, I don't know since I get everywhere fine.