Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Some people fish. Others wish.

What do you do?

I suspect if you're into bluegill, you fish.

The difference between wishing and fishing is clear. Those who catch fish are fishing. And then there are those who simply make a wish to catch fish.

This scenario is played out daily on lakes and streams throughout the country. One angler goes out with an intimate knowlege of the lake and the species he is seeking. He's knows the lake, its bottom and its structure. And he knows everything about the fish he is seeking: where they live, what the eat, when they spawn and when they migrate. He knows where to fish for them in winter, spring, summer and fall.

His opposite only wishes. This fellow usually strikes out. Occasionally, he stumbles across a fish-filled area and does OK. And he'll return to that same spot time and again. But he can't figure out why he catches fish there in fall, but can't draw a strike during winter.

When the successful angler casts, he knows he's targeting an area that holds fish. He knows they're on the grass edge and feeding on minnows. He knows when he's in fishless water and when it's time to move. Doesn't take him long to figure the pattern out and eliminate fishless water.

His counterpart is anchored and won't leave until it's time to call it a day. He casts a bait out, sits back and makes a wish that a fish swims by, sees his bait and eats it. He might not know if there are fish in the area. It's a crap shoot at best.

Meanwhile, the successful angler is connecting on a regular basis. He's has caught and released a dozen bluegill with at least nine of them "hand-sized." He's also caught a couple of shellcracker and two decent bass.

Back at the ramp, the opposite asks his counterpart how he did.

"Any luck?"

"It was fair."

"How'd ya do?"

"Ended up with 20 bluegill, half dozen shellcracker and five bass. Had to work hard for them. How 'bout you?"

"Yeah, it was slow."

He didn't reveal that his tally sheet showed two nibbles and one anemic bluegill. He couldn't figure out why he rarely fared well, but his counterpart did well reguarly.

"I wish I could do as well. I wish I could catch fish like him."

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Comment by Ed Sloan on December 8, 2008 at 3:34pm
Hey I have never been a bass fisherman, I toss them all back as I know many guys like to catch them, however if you happen to be flyfishing for bluegills, I guarantee that you will catch at least a half dozen bass it never fails. Sometimes they even break your leader. They are members of the same family I think, but if a bass could fight like a bluegill, you would never get one in the boat.. heh heh
Comment by Bill "Musky" Modica on November 16, 2008 at 12:10pm
Very well said Steve, and so very true.......Bluegill have always been my desired fish to target during every season, however Musky, Walleye, Bass always rank as the close second. Having been a contributer to several local fishing report sites, I report quite frequently on all species within this realm with an above average success rate.

I would have to say that at some point early on, I was a "wisher".

Becoming a "fisher" didn't come easy, but the lack of success in those days never diminished my desire to learn more.....You gotta do some leg work (talk to locals) gotta do some book work (read quality fishing publications on techniques or seasonal tactics for the species your after) can't do it from the couch (devote adequate amounts of time on the water to get "hands on" training)....Document (create a fishing log to document your outings....make sure it contains dates, times, air and water temps, wind direction, lunar phase cycles, depth of water, lures and tactics used).....take photos and/or video of your catch.......trying to store it all upstairs just doesn't work......and most importantly share your experience modestly......One of my greatest thrills of this sport is when I receive reply mail from report site members thanking me graciously for a few simple tips that put them on fish.

When I was a "wisher", I didn't have this wonderful little tool we know as the internet....sure wish I did.


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"Understand……hope you get out soon Bruce!"
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"I dressed better the 2nd outing, Jeff! LOL Was more comfortable."
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