Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Got the P-Max 170 installed in the Blue Beast the other day. I added an omni-directional, flat faced transducer instead of the directional one that comes from the factory. Because of the flat, disc-shaped face, I was able to silicone the transducer hard and fast to the flat bottom of the hull. None of the usual bedding usually seen, the flat puck sounder stuck wit a thin well squeezed out layer of silicone. My hope was there would be no bubbles or air pockets, and it appears I achieved that,

The thing performed well on its maiden trip, all parts of the system working well. The battery was mounted in an EPV foam box and bungeed in place. The display unit is mounted right in front for clear viewing.

Performance: From what I know about the area I used it in today, it is reading spot on. Depths were correct and the images of the bottom were clear.

Bait balls, schools of small fish, were very clearly marked as large and small smears, while fish in or nearby these schools appeared clearly as separate targets.

The bottom was clearly defined as a hard line structure with occasional items of structure to break it up.

PHASE I - Over all I found the whole thing to be anticlimactic. I've read so many horror stories about installations gone wrong, I just assumed it always goes badly. Well, everything appears to work perfectly and I can find nothing to indicate otherwise.

Phase II involves the following:

a. Finalize the wiring

b. Devise a more robust battery mount

c. Move the control head forward, as it is a little too close.]

I didnt catch any fish but, boy, did I see a lot of them! I was also able to find those areas where they traveled and so was able to eliminate a lot of useless water.

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Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on October 13, 2014 at 7:03am

"Fall turn over and the fish really start acting weird"

Yes, the patters should be shifting to NOT-patterns now, as the fish come and go intently feeding. Putting your finger on them, and then offering something that looks like what they are focusing on is SUPPOSED to work. As often as not, though, Fall fishing also includes comments that let you off the hook:

“Yeah, it was tough bite.”

“The fish are moving around a lot”


 "Im really glad the install/ thru the hull worked out for you and your very welcome."


Thanks again. I don’t have anything to judge it by, certainly nothing just like my set up near at hand. But I do have observation:

1. It provides accurate feedback based on a known area

2. There is no smoke pouring out of the thing

from these two, I can only conclude its working properly.

The display is clean and there are no signs of faulty returns – it is rock solid and generally nice to look at. All indications are that the setting of the transducer to the hull went as planned.

I am pleased how things appear on the featureless, flat bottom. Let me share with you what FISHIDY says about Lake Murray:

“During the course of dam construction, over 100,00,000 board feet of lumber was removed from the area that would eventually become Lake Murray. This has left the lake with very little original cover, making STRUCTURE (old creek channels, points, humps and depressions) even more important in relating to fish.”

That jibes with what I see – an essentially featureless bottom, occasionally broken up by some bit of cover. When I see these “stick ups,” whatever they might be, there are often fish around them. I will begin dropping markers on these and see what a tipped jig will produce over them.

I have noted a particular section of this area where there is always a feeding school of small striper. Every time I pass through this spot, I see them. Well the P-170 shows this as  a “cloud” or “bloom” beneath the boat, with several fish symbols in and around it.

Very cool!

Comment by Slip Sinker on October 13, 2014 at 4:17am

fall turn over and the fish really start acting wierd

Comment by Slip Sinker on October 13, 2014 at 3:57am

and your very welcome

Comment by Slip Sinker on October 13, 2014 at 3:55am

im really glad the install/ thru the hull worked out for you

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on October 13, 2014 at 3:40am
It happens! In the midst of all this, I'm still sorting through gear stowage issues. Only so much is possible and having it in the right place is crucial. IIl be remounting the P170 control head, for example, as it crowds me. And some ready rod mounts, affixed to array my gear securely in front of me are next in development.
I failed to mention I also was testing out hot dog baits, drifting them along the bottom. Nothing biting those. And I had a couple of technical malfunctions to sort through that ate up my limited time.

But it works and that was my goal. it's thanks to you. I tip my hat.
Comment by Slip Sinker on October 13, 2014 at 3:35am

first skunking of the year for me was yesterday...

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on October 13, 2014 at 3:32am
Well Leo, well see.
I'm going to have to go into vertical presentation mode - jigs and spoons, dropshotting, etc, from here out.
Everything was 10-15 feet down, focused on either bait schools or the occasional bit of structure. On the bright side, I could...

A. Know where they were
B. See them

It also confirmed my understanding if the structure. I can now pinpoint some areas that consistently attract fish.

The saga continues.
Comment by Leo Nguyen on October 12, 2014 at 9:06pm
LOL indeed! Soon, those skunked days will surely end with lots..and lots..and lots of pissed off expression, with very loud expletives.
Comment by Slip Sinker on October 12, 2014 at 8:55pm

Now David you can hang your head high when getting skunked and say " at least i fished with the fishes"

ahem .... i  saw fishes today but got skunked... lol

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on October 12, 2014 at 7:43pm
Hahahaha Leo - you nailed it!

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