Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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I have been doing some slip-floating lately. One morning I just decided to stop by BJ's bait supply and get me some of his extra fine red worms. In my kit were various slip floats, hooks and small split shot. I was in business, and the fly rod stayed in the car.

I re-learned that long floats and teeny rigs are definitely out, for me. The best floats for my use are stout 2" models, with a single 3/0 shot to balance them. These cast like bullets, and they don't have long, dangly stems or other bits to get tangled up.

In picture 1, below, you see those I make, or modify. The stout  ones on the left are made from old floats I find washed up on the shore. I just patch em up, glue a stick in them, sand and shape, and finally finish 'em off with paint and clear coats. They are very much like the chubby Thill Stealth Floats, without the price tag.

The others are just regular pegged cigar floats which I've modified slightly, by drilling a small hole through the wide end of the peg. Just firmly push in the peg, and the top becomes the bottom. Threading the line through the hole is made easier as I've darkened it with a Sharpie for visibility.
(These come with a lengthwise hole in the peg, but I prefer the line to lay below the water surface, where it is not sailed around by every passing breeze).


In picture 2 you see the kind of float that I WONT be using for casting. These long, wispy bits of foam and stem are more of a pain than I like. For a static pole, where you're dipping the float from a boat or stable bank these are fine. But if there is any casting or even flipping to reach your spot, they don't make the cut.


I fish my floats on an 8 3/4' former fly rod. Its been fit with a Zebco 11 micro reel and makes a dandy float casting rig.

For stoppers, I prefer the little rubber "football" types. I got 100 for a few bucks off ebay, so Im set for a few weeks! In a pinch I can tie a bobber stop knot from mono. I back these stops with a small plastic bead, or an 11/0 glass seed bead.
With the long rod, Im good for up to about 7' of depth when casting from shore, which is usually enough to find the bottom and the fish.

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Comment by Slip Sinker on July 18, 2016 at 5:52am

ooooh... mis read .... but really is the same in feel when comes to micro or lightness... those micro spins are excellent reels... i had one many years ago... got lost and never replaced.

recently ive considered getiing a few for the grandkids and nephews and nieces. like David says "bullet proof" is a great description.

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on July 18, 2016 at 5:03am
I like trigger spincast reels - a top fave.
The Zebco 33T, 11T are both bomb proof.
Daiwa has it US (UNDERSPIN) series, the 40 and 80 being best for this style of fishing.
Abu-Garcia's had one on and off, essentially a rebranded Daiwa.
All of these are top choices.

Shakespeare has marketed one in recent years, which I consider a second choice.
Comment by Slip Sinker on July 17, 2016 at 6:29am

I love em... … that’s all I use nowadays is 100 series reels or lower. It started out as a novelty but it seems lately it is out of necessity. with multiple levels of vertebra instability in my neck my casting arm really takes a toll casting the heavier stuff. With the very thin super lines the two really go together well and I can fish for longer periods of time. My favorite setups are from 4-6’ to 5-6’ setups that are feather light. I have light long rods up to 8-0’ in length but the leverage of length works against me just as much as weight.

So im out there casting the tiny stuff and having a blast.

Comment by Damon Toney on July 17, 2016 at 6:02am

Never used one of those micro reels. They good?

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on June 7, 2016 at 2:47pm
There are many ways to get to an end, Ken! Thanks
Comment by Slip Sinker on June 7, 2016 at 8:47am

I really enjoy learning from others and their successes with fishing methods and practices. What I find amazing is the how fisherman travel through the methods they tweak while spending time on the water… the total sums of their positive and negative reinforcements to get them where they are today. A tweak that works for ones self may not work for another … or not as well. Many times I’ll bring a friend or family member on the boat and watch the way they fish. a great learning experience. What one can learn from another

Bring two fishermen on the boat together to float fish and you will see a world of difference in technique and materials. It’s amazing. They may be just as productive in their own way as each other… but then ask them to switch rods and baits for awhile! LOL

Great post David! And thanks for sharing

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on June 6, 2016 at 8:16pm
Thanks John
Comment by John Sheehan on June 6, 2016 at 7:29pm

Good post David . Wish you would share it with the SF group . Slip floated once this year and the foam guys on the right are what I used .

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foam bugs

"Great looking flies Bruce."
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John Sheehan commented on Bruce Tomaselli's photo

foam bugs

"Nice work ,Bruce!"
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Bruce Tomaselli commented on DAVID L EITUTIS's photo


"I found it on YouTube, David. I'll be tying some for the upcoming crappie and bluegill spawn."
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DAVID L EITUTIS commented on Bruce Tomaselli's photo

foam bugs

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