Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Ok i posted about this spot i call the honey hole. Its a little spot i found that is full of the biggest bluegill ever and no matter what time of day or when i go i alway catch atleast 10 to 20 big huge one but it always on live bait mostly crickets!!! i wanna jig in that same area but i cant get a bite on no fake fishing from the bank. any tips?

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Comment by Vince Fusco on July 23, 2012 at 7:51pm

I have seen this happen first hand, Jim. After a while all you will catch is a bunch of little bait stealers. 

Comment by Jim Gronaw on July 23, 2012 at 6:47pm

Steady harvest of bedding gills may turn your hot spot into a dead pool. Bedding fish are vulnerable and can be removed quite easily. Hopefully, you are releasing some of the bigger fish to reproduce and keep the quality fish in the system.

The fly rod approach sounds good to me, can attach a short, 6 inch piece of mono on the back treble hook of a #3 Floating Rapala and put a # 12 or 14 ant pattern wet fly on the end. This 'tail-gunner' combo can really stir up some shallow fish! retrieve it slowly throughout the bedding area and see if they don't take the slow-falling fly when you pause the Rapala...

Comment by Dennis on July 22, 2012 at 11:19am

If you are fishing them on the beds than you have to remember that genarally, they are simply grabbing anything that comes in or very close to the nest and simply moving it away and not eating it. Seens odd as Gills usually eat anything in sight but NOT when they are on the beds. I have seen thbis many many times here at Lake Havasu where the water is clean and clear, I can drag almost any bait through the nest and they pick it up and move it one or two feet. Some gills will eat and some will attack the intruder defending the nest. Also of interest is when you have a "honey hole" like that the fish learn pretty quickly what we are doing as they can see us, as I have seen this too, they just know not to touch what you are presenting them. The fish further out from the shore though do not.

My advice is to use lighter tackle and use something with a slower presentation as well as something that is natural to the area that they would feed on. Then, cast out as far as you can to get away from the close to shore bedders that know what you are up to.

Likewise if you are catching 10 to 20, heck that is a good afternoons fishing.

Comment by Leo Nguyen on July 17, 2012 at 4:49pm

Jigs? You need a slow sinker. 100oz jig with a 1" to 1.5" crawfish imitation? Observe what insects above and below water that this honey may have. Nothing goes wrong with cricket imitation like these guys:

or, if you have bullet jigs, shove the 100oz into the body, and let that puppy decent slowing in this crazy body:

or even the 1 to 1.5" squirt and squirm:

Comment by JBplusThuy on July 17, 2012 at 10:55am
That kind of spot sounds like a natural for a fly rod.
Comment by bwood on July 16, 2012 at 8:29pm

its not that deep. pretty shallow and i can see beds all over. i could catch over 50 if i ever stayed all day but that on live bait. i wanna catch some fish with lures and jigs lol

Comment by JBplusThuy on July 16, 2012 at 8:18pm

I think I need problems like yours ;)

How deep are these fish, and how deep is the water they're in? If you tip your jigs with live bait or gulp, does that help?

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